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Meteor advanced publishing mechanism

May 10, 2021 Meteor

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Advanced publishing mechanism

For now, you should have a good grasp of publishing and subscription interaction patterns. So let's talk less nonsense and look at a few more advanced scenarios.

Publish a collection multiple times

In our first appendix to release, we saw some of the more general publishing and _publishCursor to make them very easy to implement on our site.

First, _publishCursor has done for us: it will organize all the documents to match a given cursor and push them into the client collection with the same name. Note that this is not related to the publication's name.

This means that we can connect the client and service-side versions of any collection with more than one publicaton.

We've already used this pattern in the page section, and when we're outside of the posts we're currently displaying, we're posting a subset of the paged versions of all posts.

Another similar use case is to publish a preview of a large set of documents, and the full information for a single document:

Meteor advanced publishing mechanism

Meteor.publish('allPosts', function() {
  return Posts.find({}, {fields: {title: true, author: true}});

Meteor.publish('postDetail', function(postId) {
  return Posts.find(postId);

Now that the client subscribes to both 'posts' a list of titles and author names from the first subscription, and all information about a single post from the second subscription.

You may be aware that postDetail are also allPosts only some of its properties are property). However, Meteor merges fields and confirms that there are no duplicate posts to handle data overlap.

That's great, because now when we present a summary list of posts, the data objects we're working on have just enough data that we need to display. B ut when we present a single post, we have everything we need to present. Of course, in this case, we need to let the client not expect all the fields of all posts to be displayed———— this is a common problem!

Note that you have not changed any restrictions on document properties. You can publish the same properties well in both publications, but sort them differently.

Meteor.publish('newPosts', function(limit) {
  return Posts.find({}, {sort: {submitted: -1}, limit: limit});

Meteor.publish('bestPosts', function(limit) {
  return Posts.find({}, {sort: {votes: -1, submitted: -1}, limit: limit});

Subscribe to one publication multiple times

We've seen how to publish the same collection multiple times. It turns out that you can do very similar things with another pattern: create a single publication and subscribe to it multiple times.

In Microscope, we repeatedly subscribe to posts times, but Iron Router sets up and splits each subscription for us. However, there is no reason why we can't subscribe multiple times at the same time.

For example, we want to load the latest and best posts into memory at the same time:

Meteor advanced publishing mechanism

We set a single release:

Meteor.publish('posts', function(options) {
  return Posts.find({}, options);

And we subscribe to this publication many times. In fact, we do this more or less in Microscope:

Meteor.subscribe('posts', {submitted: -1, limit: 10});
Meteor.subscribe('posts', {baseScore: -1, submitted: -1, limit: 10});

What's going on next? Each browser opens two different subscriptions, each connected to a publication on the same server.

Each subscription provides different publishing parameters, but fundamentally, one (different) subset of documents at a posts collection and sent to the client collection through a connection mechanism.

You can even subscribe to the same publication twice with the same parameters. This is difficult to say useful for many scenarios, but this elastic mechanism will one day be useful.

Multiple collections in a single subscription

Unlike traditional relational databases like MySQL using joins, NoSQL databases like Mongo are all about denormalization and embedding. Let's see how they work in a Meteor environment.

Let's look at a concrete example. We've added comments to our posts, and so far we've been happy to post comments on only individual posts that people see.

However, suppose we want to show replies to all posts on the home page (remember that these posts change when you peddle). This use case shows a good reason to embed comments in a post, which in fact prompts us to denormalize the number of comments.

Of course, we can always embed comments into posts and completely eliminate Comments collection. But as we saw earlier in the Denormalization section, we will also lose some additional benefits in the operation of the detached collection.

But it turns out that there's a subscription-related trick to embed our reviews while keeping the collection separate.

Let's assume that in addition to the first page post list, we want to subscribe to two more recent comments for each post.

Using a stand-alone comment post can be difficult to accomplish, especially if the list of posts is subject to certain restrictions (for example, the last 10). We have to write a release that looks like the following code:

Meteor advanced publishing mechanism

Meteor.publish('topComments', function(topPostIds) {
  return Comments.find({postId: topPostIds});

This is a problem from a performance perspective because this release will need to be topPostIds change.

There is a way to solve this problem. We can apply the fact that not only can we have multiple publications on each collection, but we can also have multiple collections on each publication.

Meteor.publish('topPosts', function(limit) {
  var sub = this, commentHandles = [], postHandle = null;

  // send over the top two comments attached to a single post
  function publishPostComments(postId) {
    var commentsCursor = Comments.find({postId: postId}, {limit: 2});
    commentHandles[postId] =
      Mongo.Collection._publishCursor(commentsCursor, sub, 'comments');

  postHandle = Posts.find({}, {limit: limit}).observeChanges({
    added: function(id, post) {
      sub.added('posts', id, post);
    changed: function(id, fields) {
      sub.changed('posts', id, fields);
    removed: function(id) {
      // stop observing changes on the post's comments
      commentHandles[id] && commentHandles[id].stop();
      // delete the post
      sub.removed('posts', id);


  // make sure we clean everything up (note `_publishCursor`
  //   does this for us with the comment observers)
  sub.onStop(function() { postHandle.stop(); });

Note that we didn't return anything in this release because we manually sub (via .added() on). So we don't have to ask for a _publishCursor to do this for us.

Now, every time we post a post, we automatically post two of its latest comments. And it's all in one subscription call!

Although Meteor hasn't implemented this approach directly, you can also refer publish-with-relations Atomsphere, which aims to make the pattern easier to use.

Connect different collections

Can this subscription elasticity give us more new knowledge? Of course, if we _publishCursor we don't have to follow this constraint, which is that the source collection on the service side needs to have the same name as the client's target collection.

Meteor advanced publishing mechanism

One reason why we want to do this is single-table inheritance.

Suppose we need to reference multiple types of objects from our posts, each stored in the same field but clearly different. For example, let's build a Tumblr-like blog engine, where each post has a common ID, timestamp, and title;

We can store these objects in a separate 'resources' collection and use type to mark what type of video image link so on).

At the same time, although we have a single Resources we are also able to convert a single collection into multiple Collections of Videos 'Images', and so on. The collection of clients is as follows:

  Meteor.publish('videos', function() {
    var sub = this;

    var videosCursor = Resources.find({type: 'video'});
    Mongo.Collection._publishCursor(videosCursor, sub, 'videos');

    // _publishCursor doesn't call this for us in case we do this more than once.

We tell _publishCursor (just like back) that the cursor will publish our video resources resources videos

Another similar idea is to publish to a collection of clients without a collection on the server side at all! For example, you might crawl data from a third-party service and publish it to a collection of clients.

Because of the flexibility of publishing APIs, the possibilities are limitless.