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Learn Vue 3.0, starting with building the environment

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

Table of contents

This article will take you from scratch to build a Vue3.0 development environment based on Vue3.0 and vite and as you learn from this article, you will learn the following:

  1. Initialize the Vue3.0 project with vite
  2. Configure ts
  3. Configure vue-router
  4. Configure vuex
  5. Use Vue3.0 to develop a TodoList example

Use vite to initialize the project

Vite introduction

vite is a tool especially big in this year's new drumming, especially the description of vite is this: Vite is an opinionated web de build that tool serves you code via native ES Module imports inge dev and bundles it with Roll for production. T ranslated as Chinese: Vite is a native ES Module Web development and build tool. Browser-native ES imports are developed in a development environment and Rollup packaging in a production environment.

The above paragraph mentions the keyword ES Module what is this? A detailed description can be viewed H ere we have a long story to short. In the earliest days, there was no front-end engineering, and then we wrote javascript are written to a file, and then referenced by script tag, and then as the front end grew, the dependencies between js became more and more complex, and this required a mechanism to maintain this dependency JavaScript 程序拆分为可按需导入的单独模块 which led to AMD CMD and so on, and ES Module was the native module-dependent feature supported by the browser.

Why use vite

Why the introduction of vite when we use webpack each development time to start the project takes tens of seconds or even more than a minute, relatively slow, and hot update is relatively slow, and the main feature of vite is fast, the characteristics of the official website for vite is described as such

  1. Fast cold start
  2. Instant module hot updates
  3. True on-demand compilation

How fast is it, let's try a new project first

Initialize the vite project

  1. Initialize the project, open the terminal window in the workspace, cmd for window user, and then execute the following command

   yarn create vite-app my-vue3

After execution, the following is output, and you can see that the new project is particularly fast, with only 1.63s

 Learn Vue 3.0, starting with building the environment1

  1. After initializing the project, proceed to the project via cd my-vue3 and then perform yarn installation dependency (Taobao mirroring is recommended here, relatively fast)

  1. Depending on the installation requires the project to be started via yarn dev

 Learn Vue 3.0, starting with building the environment2

Is it an instant experience of the second start project feeling, after starting can http://localhost:3000 to access the project

View the project structure

After you open a project with vscode you can see that the newly created project structure is essentially the same as the project structure created by vue-cli4 and that we are familiar with App.vue and main.js

 Learn Vue 3.0, starting with building the environment3

View the contents of the main .js file

Open main.js

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import './index.css'


Discover that the way Vue was created has changed, originally by initializing Vue through the new new Vue approach, and in Vue3.0 in order to modify the way Vue3.0 is used more through createApp we'll show you over time in a series of articles.

(Recommended tutorial: Vue 2 tutorial)

Configure typescript

typescript is now one of the front-end must-have skills, and a large number of projects are starting to be developed based on typescript W hen using Vue2.0 it's a bit awkward to use ts development feature because Vue2.0 doesn't support typescript B ut when it comes to Vue3 its own source code is ts so it's inherently well supported for ts Configuring typescript with vite is simple and requires only the following steps.

  1. Install typescript

   yarn add typescript -D

  1. Initialize tsconfig.json

   # 然后在控制台执行下面命令
   npx tsc --init

  1. Change main.js to main.ts and the references in the index index.html to main.ts by also modifying App.vue and HelloWorld.vue files

   <!--将 <script> 修改为 <script lang="ts">-->
   <script lang="ts">
   import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue'

   export default {
     name: 'App',
     components: {

Once the modifications are complete, the restart is ready to access the project. Although this configuration is possible, ts opening main.ts that import App from App.vue will report an error: Cannot find module './App.vue' or its corresponding type declarations. vue

Next you can happily use ts in the component

    1. Add the shim.d.ts file at the root of the project

  1. Add the following

      declare module "*.vue" {
        import { Component } from "vue";
        const component: Component;
        export default component;

Configure vue-router

In Vue2.0 our routes generally choose to use vue-router and vue-router is still available in Vue3.0 although the current version of vue-router like Vue3.0 is also a beta version, which at the time of writing is 4.0.0-beta7

Install vue-router

Because the current vue-router version is for vue3.0 or beta it cannot be installed directly through yarn add vue-router but requires a version number

yarn add vue-router@4.0.0-beta7

Configure vue-router

Create a new router directory under the project src directory, and then add index.ts file to add the following to the file

import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router'

// 在 Vue-router新版本中,需要使用createRouter来创建路由
export default createRouter({
  // 指定路由的模式,此处使用的是hash模式
  history: createWebHashHistory(),
  // 路由地址
  routes: []

As with the new Vue3.0 initialization method, vue-router initialization method has also changed, becoming an initial route through createRouter

Introduce router into main.ts

The main.ts file is modified as follows

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import './index.css'
import router from './router/index'

const  app = createApp(App)
// 通过use 将 路由插件安装到 app 中

Configure vuex

Like vue-router the new vuex is currently in beta version, which is 4.0.0-beta.4

Install vuex

yarn add vuex@4.0.0-beta.4

Configure vuex

Create a new store directory under the project src directory and add index.ts file, which adds the following

import { createStore } from 'vuex'

interface State {
  userName: string

export default createStore({
  state(): State {
    return {
      userName: "子君",

Introduced into main.ts

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
import './index.css'
import router from './router/index'
import store from './store/index'

const  app = createApp(App)

Develop TodoList

With a series of operations above, our development environment is already configured, and then we'll develop a TodoList through the new development environment to verify that it's working.

Add todolist page

  1. First we create a new views directory under the src directory, and then create a new file todo-list.vue and add the following to the file

     <div class="todo-list">
          <input v-model="state.todo" @keyup.enter="handleAddTodo">
           <li v-for="item in todos" :key="" @click="handleChangeStatus(item, true)">
             <input type="checkbox">
         <li v-for="item in dones" :key="" @click="handleChangeStatus(item, false)">
             <input type="checkbox" checked>
   <script lang="ts">
    // 在vue2中 data 在vue3中使用 reactive代替
   import { reactive, computed } from 'vue'
   import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'
   export default {
     // setup相当于vue2.0的 beforeCreate和 created,是vue3新增的一个属性,所有的操作都在此属性中完成
     setup(props, context) {
       // 通过reactive 可以初始化一个可响应的数据,与Vue2.0中的Vue.observer很相似
       const state = reactive({
         todoList: [{
           id: 1,
           done: false,
           text: '吃饭'
           id: 2,
           done: false,
           text: '睡觉'
           id: 3,
           done: false,
           text: '打豆豆'
         todo: ''
       // 使用计算属性生成待办列表
       const todos = computed(() => {
         return state.todoList.filter(item => !item.done)

       // 使用计算属性生成已办列表
       const dones = computed(() => {
         return state.todoList.filter(item => item.done)

       // 修改待办状态
       const handleChangeStatus = (item ,status) => {
         item.done = status

       // 新增待办
       const handleAddTodo = () => {
         if(!state.todo) {
           text: state.todo,
           done: false
         state.todo = ''

        // 在Vue3.0中,所有的数据和方法都通过在setup 中 return 出去,然后在template中使用
       return {
   <style scoped>
     text-align: center;

   .todo-list ul li {
     list-style: none;

Adjust the route

a. First modify the contents of the App.vue file to

lt; t emplate& lt; router-view&</router-view& lt;/template&

<script lang="ts">

export default {
  name: 'App'

b. Then modify router/index.ts file and add a new route

import {createRouter, createWebHashHistory} from 'vue-router'

// 在 Vue-router新版本中,需要使用createRouter来创建路由
export default createRouter({
  // 指定路由的模式,此处使用的是hash模式
  history: createWebHashHistory(),
  // 路由地址
  routes: [{
    path: '/todolist',
    // 必须添加.vue后缀
    component: () => import('../views/todo-list.vue')

That's when we can access TodoList through http://localhost:3000/#/todolist as shown in the following image

 Learn Vue 3.0, starting with building the environment4

(Recommended micro-class: Vue 2.x micro-class)


At this point, our Vue3.0 development environment is built, and of course there are a lot of things to improve, such as we need to adjust the configuration of typescript and then add eslint and so on. At the same time how to jump routes in a component, using vuex hasn't been explained yet, but at least we're already getting started.

Article Source: Public Number - Play at the front end

Author: Front-end hitter

The above is W3Cschool编程狮 about learning Vue 3.0, starting with the construction environment related to the introduction, I hope to help you.