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Julia runs an external program

May 14, 2021 Julia

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Run an external program

Julia uses inverted quotes to run external programs:

    julia> `echo hello`
    `echo hello`

It has several features:

  • Inverted quotes do not run the program directly, it Cmd object to represent the command. You can use this object to connect commands, run them, and read and write them through a pipeline
  • When the command runs, Julia does not capture the output unless specified. It calls libc and the output of the command points to system stdout
  • The command does not require a shell to run. J ulia parses the command syntax directly, interpolates variables, separates words like a shell, and follows the shell reference syntax. The command calls fork exec as julia processes of julia.

Here's an example of running an external program:

    julia> run(`echo hello`)

hello the echo the echo command, which is sent to the standard output. run method itself nothing If the external command does not run correctly, an ErrorException thrown.

Use readall read the output of the command:

    julia> a=readall(`echo hello`)

    julia> (chomp(a)) == "hello"

More generally, you can open to read from or write to an external command. For example:

    julia> open(`less`, "w", STDOUT) do io
               for i = 1:1000
                   println(io, i)


Assign the file name to the variable file as an argument to the command. Use $ for interpolation as in $ text (see :ref: man-strings

    julia> file = "/etc/passwd"

    julia> `sort $file`
    `sort /etc/passwd`

If the file name has special characters, such /Volumes/External HD/data.csv it will look like this:

    julia> file = "/Volumes/External HD/data.csv"
    "/Volumes/External HD/data.csv"

    julia> `sort $file`
    `sort '/Volumes/External HD/data.csv'`

The file name is caused by single quotes. J ulia knows file is interpolated as a single variable, and it automatically draws the content up. I n fact, this is file value of file is not interpreted by the shell, so it does not need to be actually caused; The following example can also work:

    julia> path = "/Volumes/External HD"
    "/Volumes/External HD"

    julia> name = "data"

    julia> ext = "csv"

    julia> `sort $path/$name.$ext`
    `sort '/Volumes/External HD/data.csv'`

If you want to interpolate more than one word, you should use an array (or other iterative container):

    julia> files = ["/etc/passwd","/Volumes/External HD/data.csv"]
    2-element ASCIIString Array:
     "/Volumes/External HD/data.csv"

    julia> `grep foo $files`
    `grep foo /etc/passwd '/Volumes/External HD/data.csv'`

If the array is interpolated as part of the shell word, Julia mimics the behavior {a,b,c} parameters:

    julia> names = ["foo","bar","baz"]
    3-element ASCIIString Array:

    julia> `grep xylophone $names.txt`
    `grep xylophone foo.txt bar.txt baz.txt`

If multiple arrays are inserted into the same word, Julia mimics the behavior generated by the Shell's Descartes product:

    julia> names = ["foo","bar","baz"]
    3-element ASCIIString Array:

    julia> exts = ["aux","log"]
    2-element ASCIIString Array:

    julia> `rm -f $names.$exts`
    `rm -f foo.aux foo.log bar.aux bar.log baz.aux baz.log`

Do not construct temporary array objects, directly interpolate text-based arrays:

    julia> `rm -rf $["foo","bar","baz","qux"].$["aux","log","pdf"]`
    `rm -rf foo.aux foo.log foo.pdf bar.aux bar.log bar.pdf baz.aux baz.log baz.pdf qux.aux qux.log qux.pdf`


When commands are complex, quotation marks are sometimes required. Let's look at a perl command:

    sh$ perl -le '$|=1; for (0..3) { print }'

Then look at a command that uses double quotes:

    sh$ first="A"
    sh$ second="B"
    sh$ perl -le '$|=1; print for @ARGV' "1: $first" "2: $second"
    1: A
    2: B

In general, Julia's inverted quotation marks syntax supports copying and pasting shell commands as they are, and escape, reference, interpolation, and so on work as they are. T he only difference is that the interpolation is integrated into Julia:

    julia> `perl -le '$|=1; for (0..3) { print }'`
    `perl -le '$|=1; for (0..3) { print }'`

    julia> run(ans)

    julia> first = "A"; second = "B";

    julia> `perl -le 'print for @ARGV' "1: $first" "2: $second"`
    `perl -le 'print for @ARGV' '1: A' '2: B'`

    julia> run(ans)
    1: A
    2: B

When you need to run the shell command in Julia, try copying and pasting first. Julia displays the command first, where she can check that the interpolation is correct, and then runs the command.


Shell meta-characters, such & | and > , are not special characters in Julia's inverted quotation marks syntax. The pipe character in the inverted quote is simply the text-based | "":

    julia> run(`echo hello | sort`)
    hello | sort

To construct a pipeline in Julia, you should |> Cmd

    julia> run(`echo hello` |> `sort`)

Continue with an example:

    julia> run(`cut -d: -f3 /etc/passwd` |> `sort -n` |> `tail -n5`)

It prints the IDs of the five most advanced users of the UNIX system. cut sort and tail all run as direct sub-processes of the current julia process, and the shell process does not intervene. J ulia sets up the pipeline herself and connects the file descriptors, which are usually done by the shell. A s a result, Julia can achieve better control over sub-processes, or it can implement functions that shells cannot. I t |> redirected stdout . Use .> to redirect stderr .

Julia can run multiple commands in parallel:

    julia> run(`echo hello` & `echo world`)

The output order is non-determinic. T wo echo start almost at the same time, stdout descriptor, which is common to julia process. U sing pipelines, you can pass the output of these processes to other programs:

    julia> run(`echo world` & `echo hello` |> `sort`)

Let's look at a complex example of using Julia to invoke the perl command:

    julia> prefixer(prefix, sleep) = `perl -nle '$|=1; print "'$prefix' ", $_; sleep '$sleep';'`

    julia> run(`perl -le '$|=1; for(0..9){ print; sleep 1 }'` |> prefixer("A",2) & prefixer("B",2))
    A   0
    B   1
    A   2
    B   3
    A   4
    B   5
    A   6
    B   7
    A   8
    B   9

This is a classic example of a single producer double-parallel consumer: perl produces 10 rows from 0 to 9, and two parallel processes consume these results, one with the prefix "A" and the other with the prefix "B". W e don't know which consumer consumes the first line first, but once it starts, the two processes alternately consume these lines. ( Setting $|=1 in Perl causes the print expression stdout handle first; otherwise the output is cached and printed immediately to the pipeline, resulting in only one consumer process reading.)

Take a look at a more complex, multi-step producer-consumer example:

    julia> run(`perl -le '$|=1; for(0..9){ print; sleep 1 }'` |>
               prefixer("X",3) & prefixer("Y",3) & prefixer("Z",3) |>
               prefixer("A",2) & prefixer("B",2))
    B   Y   0
    A   Z   1
    B   X   2
    A   Y   3
    B   Z   4
    A   X   5
    B   Y   6
    A   Z   7
    B   X   8
    A   Y   9

This example is similar to the previous one, with two steps for consumers alone and different delays for two steps.

It is highly recommended that you try these examples yourself to see how they work.