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Julia can be empty type

May 14, 2021 Julia

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Can be empty type

In many cases, you may encounter variables that may or may not exist. T o handle this situation, Julia provides a Nullable{T} which can be considered a special container with 0 or 1 data. Nullable{T} interface to ensure that operations that may be empty values are safe. There are currently four operations:

  • Create a Nullable object.
  • Check Nullable contains data.
  • Gets Nullable and if no data can be returned, NullException .
  • Gets Nullable if no data can be returned, returns the default value of data type T

Create Nullable object

Create an empty object about type T using T the Nullable{T}() function:

   x1 = Nullable{Int}()
   x2 = Nullable{Float64}()
   x3 = Nullable{Vector{Int}}()

Use Nullable(x::T) function to create a non-empty empty object about type T

x1 = Nullable(1)
x2 = NUllable(1.0)
x3 = Nullalbe([1, 2, 3])

Note the difference between the two ways in which empty objects can be constructed above: for the first way, the function accepts the argument as T In another way, the function accepts a single argument, the type of which is T .

Check Nullabe object contains data

Use isnull function to check Nullable object is empty:


Securely access the Nullable object

Use get to securely access the Nullable object:


If there is no data, Nullable{Float64} NullException error. get function guarantees that any operation that accesses data that does not exist throws an error immediately.

In some Nullable object is empty, we want to return a reasonable default value. We can pass this default value to get function as the second argument:

  get(Nullable{Float64}(), 0)
   get(Nullable(1.0), 0)

Note that this default parameter is automatically converted to type T F or example, in the example above, get automatically 0 Float64 before the Float64 get function can set the default replacement value, which makes it easy to handle undefined variables.