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jQuery Mobile Data property

May 21, 2021 jQuery Mobile

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jQuery Mobile Data property

This section describes the Data properties in jQuery Mobile and has more to offer.

jQuery Data property

jQuery Mobile uses html5 data-? properties to create a more touch-friendly and engaging look for mobile devices.

In the reference list below, the value shown in bold is the default.


Hyperlinks with data-role"button". Button elements, links in the toolbar, and input fields are automatically rendered as button styles, without adding data-role"button".

Data-attribute value describe
data-corners true | false Specify whether the button is rounded
data-icon ICons Reference Manual The chart of the specified button.There is no icon by default.
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext Specify the location of the icon
data-iconshadow true | false Specify whether the button icon has a shadow
data-inline true | false Specify whether the button is inline
data-mini true | false The specified button is a small size or a regular size
data-shadow true | false Specify whether the button has a shadow
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify button topic color

jQuery Mobile Data property To combine multiple buttons, use a container with the data-role-"controlgroup" property and the data-type-horizontal|vertical" to specify whether to combine buttons horizontally or vertically.

Tip: For more information about buttons, please refer to the "jQuery Mobile Buttons" section of this site!

Check box

Double pairs of labels and inputs with type -"checkbox". They are automatically rendered in a program button style, and data-role is not required.

Data-attribute value describe
data-mini true | false Status the checkbox is a small size or a regular size
data-role none Prevent jQuery Mobile from rendering the check box into a button style
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the check box

jQuery Mobile Data property To combine multiple check boxes, use a container with the data-role"controlgroup" property and the data-type-horizontal|vertical" to specify whether the check boxes are combined horizontally or vertically.

Collapsible blocks

A title element followed by any HTML tag inside a container with a data-role "collapsible".

Data-attribute value describe
data-collapsed true | false The specified content is folded or expanded
data-collapsed-icon ICons Reference Manual Specify the icon of the foldable button.By default is "plus"
data-content-theme letter (a-z) Specifies the topic color of the foldable content.Whether to add rounded corners for foldable content
data-expanded-icon ICons Reference Manual It is specified that the icon of the button can be folded when the content is expanded.By default is "minus"
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom Specify the location of the icon
data-inset true | false Specify whether the foldable button is rendered into a rounded corner and the outer distance
data-mini true | false The folding button is small or regular size
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the foldable button

The collapsible collection

A collapsible block of content inside a container with a data-role-"collapsible-set".

Data-attribute value describe
data-collapsed-icon ICons Reference Manual Specify the icon of the foldable button.By default is "plus"
data-content-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the foldable button
data-expanded-icon ICons Reference Manual It is specified that the icon of the button can be folded when the content is expanded.By default is "minus"
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext Specify the location of the icon
data-inset true | false Specify whether the foldable block is rendered into a rounded corner and the outer distance
data-mini true | false The folding button is small or regular size
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the foldable collection


Container with data-role"content".

Data-attribute value describe
data-theme letter (a-z) The topic color of the specified content.By default is "c"

Control group

Containers with data-role-"controlgroup" . C ombine inputs for multiple button styles of a single type (link-based buttons, turn buttons, check boxes, select elements). For combined form check boxes and turn buttons, it is recommended to improve the label style by using the slt;div> container within a container with a data-role"fieldcontain".

Data-attribute value describe
data-mini true | false The specified control group is a small size or a regular size
data-type horizontal | vertical The specified control group is horizontal display or vertical display

Dialog box

A container with a data-role-"dialog" or a link with a data-rel-"dialog".

Data-attribute value describe
data-close-btn-text sometext Specify the text of the dialog closes the button
data-dom-cache true | false Specifies whether to clear the jQuery DOM cache of each page (if set to True, you must manage the DOM yourself and test on all mobile devices)
data-overlay-theme letter (a-z) Specify dialog box mask (background) color
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the dialog page
data-title sometext Title of the prescribed dialog page


Containers with data-enhance"false" or data-ajax-"false".

Data-attribute value describe
data-enhance true | false If set to "True", jQuery Mobile will automatically render the page so that it is more suitable for mobile devices.If set to "false", the frame will not render the page
data-ajax true | false Specifies whether to load the page via ajax

Note: data-enhance"false" must be used with $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled=true" to prevent jQuery Mobile from automatically rendering the page.

When $.mobile.ignoreContentEnabled is set to true, any links or form elements within the data-ajax"false" container are ignored by the framework's navigation capabilities.

The domain container

Surrounded by label/form elements around containers with data-role"fieldcontain".

Pin the toolbar

Containers with data-role"header" or data-role-"footer" and the data-position-"fixed" property.

Data-attribute value describe
data-disable-page-zoom true | false Specifies whether the user can zoom
data-fullscreen true | false Specify whether the toolbar is fixed at the top or bottom
data-tap-toggle true | false Specifies whether the user can change the visibility of the toolbar by clicking
data-transition slide | fade | none Specify that the switching effect when clicked
data-update-page-padding true | false Specifies whether the internal margin of the top and bottom of the page is updated when resize, transition, and "updateLayout" events (jQuery Mobile always updates the inner margin when "Pageshow" event occurs)
data-visible-on-page-show true | false Specify the visibility of the toolbar when the parent page is displayed

Flip the toss switch

One element with a data-role"slider" and two elements of the "slider".

Data-attribute value describe
data-mini true | false The prescribed switch is a small size or a regular size
data-role none Prevent jQuery Mobile to render the dial switch into a button style
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the switching switch
data-track-theme letter (a-z) Specify the theme color of the track

Tail bar

Container with data-role"footer".

Data-attribute value describe
data-id sometext The unique ID is specified.It is necessary for continuous tail columns.
data-position inline | fixed The specified tail column is to remain inline or remain fixed at the bottom.
data-fullscreen true | false Specifies that the tail column is fixed at the bottom or override on the page content (more than viewing)
data-theme letter (a-z) Specifies the topic color of the tail column.By default is "a"

Note: To enable full-screen positioning, use data-position-"fixed" and then add the data-fullscreen property to the element.

Head bar

Container with data-role"header".

Data-attribute value describe
data-id sometext The unique ID is specified.It is necessary for the continuous head bar.
data-position inline | fixed The specified head bar is to remain inline or fixed at the top of the page.
data-fullscreen true | false The prescribed head column is fixed on top or override on the page content (more than viewing)
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the head column.By default is "a"

Note: To enable full-screen positioning, use data-position-"fixed" and then add the data-fullscreen property to the element.


All links, including those with data-role"button" and form submission buttons.

Data-attribute value describe
data-ajax true | false Specifies whether to enhance user experience and interaction through the AJAX loading page.If set to false, jQuery Mobile will execute a normal page request.
data-direction reverse Reverse conversion animation (only for pages and dialogs)
data-dom-cache true | false Specifies whether to clear the jQuery DOM cache of each page (if set to True, you must manage the DOM yourself and test on all mobile devices)
data-prefetch true | false Specifies whether the page is read in advance to the DOM so that it is available when the user accesses them.
data-rel back | dialog | external | popup Specify the options for link behavior.Back - Roll back to the previous page in history.Dialog - Open the link in the form of a dialog, not saved to history.EXTERNAL - is used to link to another.Popup - Opens a popup window.
data-transition fade | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none It is specified that a page is switched to the next page.Please check our jQuery Mobile page switch chapter.
data-position-to origin | jQuery selector | window The position of the pop-up box is specified.Origin - default.Positioning pop-ups on the open link.jQuery Selector - Positioning pop-up on the specified element.Window - Positioning pop-up on the center of the window screen.


With data-role"listview" of the slt;ol> or slt;;

Data-attribute value describe
data-autodividers true | false Specifies whether the list item is automatically divided
data-count-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the counting bubble.By default is "c"
data-divider-theme letter (a-z) Specify the list of topics separated by lists.By default is "b"
data-filter true | false Specifies whether to add a search box in the list
data-filter-placeholder sometext Specify the text in the search box.By default is "Filter Items ..."
data-filter-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the search filter.By default is "c"
data-icon ICons Reference Manual Target list icon
data-inset true | false The specified list is rendered into a rounded corner and the outer distance
data-split-icon ICons Reference Manual Specify the chart of the split button.By default is "arrow-r"
data-split-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the segmentation button.By default is "b"
data-theme letter (a-z) Topic color of the list

List items

With data-role-"listview" of the .lt;ol> or .lt;ul-gt;

Data-attribute value describe
data-filtertext sometext It is specified that the text to search when filtering the elements.This text will be filtered instead of the actual list item text.
data-icon ICons Reference Manual Prepreted list item icon
data-role list-divider Specify the separation of the list item
data-theme letter (a-z) Topic color of the list item

Note: The data-icon property only works on list items with links.

The navigation bar

With the data-role"navbar" container inside the element of the .lt;li>

Data-attribute value describe
data-icon ICons Reference Manual Specify the icon of the list item
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext Specify the location of the icon

jQuery Mobile Data property The navigation bar inherits a sample theme from their parent container. I t is not possible to set the data-theme property for the navigation bar. You can set the data-theme property individually for each link in the navigation bar.


Container with data-role"page".

Data-attribute value describe
data-add-back-btn true | false Automatically add a back button, only header
data-back-btn-text sometext Status for some text of the back button
data-back-btn-theme letter (a-z) Regulations the theme color of the back button
data-close-btn-text letter (a-z) Turn off some text of the button on the prescribed dialog
data-dom-cache true | false Specifies whether to clear the jQuery DOM cache of each page (if set to True, you must manage the DOM yourself and test on all mobile devices)
data-overlay-theme letter (a-z) Specify dialog box mask (background) color
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the page.By default is "c"
data-title sometext Specify page title
data-url url Update the value of the URL, not the URL for requesting the page

Bounce the window

Container with data-role"popup".

Data-attribute value describe
data-corners true | false Specify whether pop-up is rounded
data-overlay-theme letter (a-z) Specify the mask of the pop-up box (background) color.The default is a transparent background (none)
data-shadow true | false Specify whether the pop-up box has a shadow
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the pop-up box.The default is inherited, "None" setting pop-up window is transparent
data-tolerance 30, 15, 30, 15 Specify the distance of the window edge (upper top, right Right, lower Bottom, left Left)

Anchors with data-rel"popup":

Data-attribute value describe
data-position-to origin | jQuery selector | window > Specify the position of the pop-up box.Origin - default.Positioning pop-ups on the open link.jQuery Selector - Positioning pop-up on the specified element.Window - Positioning pop-up on the center of the window screen.
data-rel popup Used to open popup box
data-transition fade | flip | flow | pop | slide | slidedown | slidefade | slideup | turn | none It is specified that a page is switched to the next page.Please check our jQuery Mobile page switch chapter.

The option button

Double pairs of labels and inputs with type-"radio". They are automatically rendered in a program button style, and data-role is not required.

Data-attribute value describe
data-mini true | false The specified button is a small size or a regular size
data-role none Prevent the Pattern of the jQuery Mobile Rendering Single Selection button to enhance the button to make the element in HTML native state
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the radio button

jQuery Mobile Data property To combine multiple option buttons, use a container with the data-role-"controlgroup" property and the data-type-horizontal|vertical" to specify whether to combine the option buttons horizontally or vertically.


All of the elements of the slt;select. These are automatically rendered as button styles, and date-role is not required.

Data-attribute value describe
data-icon ICons Reference Manual Specify the icon of the SELECT element.By default is "arrow-d"
data-iconpos left | right | top | bottom | notext Specify the location of the icon
data-inline true | false Specify whether the SELECT element is inline
data-mini true | false Status whether the SELECT element is small or regular dimensions
data-native-menu true | false When set to false, it recommends such use of the custom selection menu with jQuery (if you want to make the selection menu display on all mobile devices, it is recommended)
data-overlay-theme letter (a-z) Specifies the topic color of the JQuery comes with the custom selection menu (used with Data-Native-Menu = "False")
data-placeholder true | false 可在一个非原生的选择菜单的 <option> 元素上设置
data-role none Prevent jQuery Mobile from rendering the SELECT element into a button style
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the SELECT element

jQuery Mobile Data property To combine multiple select elements, use a container with the data-role"controlgroup" property and the data-type=horizontal|vertical" to specify whether to combine select elements horizontally or vertically.

Slide the block

The input box with type "range". These are automatically rendered as button styles, and date-role is not required.

Data-attribute value describe
data-highlight true | false Specifies whether the sliding track highlights highlight
data-mini true | false The stipulates that the sliding block is small size or a regular size
data-role none Prevent jQuery Mobile Rendering Sliding Block Controls for Button Style
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the sliding block control (input box, handle and track)
data-track-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the sliding block track

Text input boxes and text input fields

With type"text|search|etc." i nput or textarea element. These are automatically rendered as button styles, and date-role is not required.

Data-attribute value describe
data-mini true | false Specifies that the input box is a small size or a regular size
data-role none Prevent jQuery Mobile from rendering the input box / input domain into a button style
data-theme letter (a-z) Specify the topic color of the input field