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jQuery EasyUI Tree Menu - Tree Menu loads parent/child nodes

May 09, 2021 jQuery EasyUI

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jQuery EasyUI Tree Menu - Tree Menu loads parent/child nodes

Typically, a tree node is represented by storing a parentid at each node, also known as the adjacent list model. L oading this data directly into the Tree menu is not allowed, but we can convert it to the standard Tree data format before loading the tree menu. T he Tree plug-in provides a 'loadFilter' option function, which it can do. I t provides an opportunity to change any entry data.

This tutorial shows you how to load a parent/child node into a tree menu using the 'loadFilter' function.

jQuery EasyUI Tree Menu - Tree Menu loads parent/child nodes

Parent/child node data


Create a tree menu with 'loadFilter'

		url: 'data/tree6_data.json',
		loadFilter: function(rows){
			return convert(rows);

The implementation of the transformation

	function convert(rows){
		function exists(rows, parentId){
			for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ 				
                            if (rows[i].id == parentId) return true; 			
                        return false; 		
                 var nodes = []; 		
                 // get the top level nodes 		
                 for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ 			
                     var row = rows[i]; 			
                     if (!exists(rows, row.parentId)){ 				
                 var toDo = []; 		
                 for(var i=0; i<nodes.length; i++){ 			
                    var node = toDo.shift();	// the parent node 			
                    // get the children nodes 			
                    for(var i=0; i<rows.length; i++){ 				
                        var row = rows[i]; 				
                        if (row.parentId =={ 					
                            var child = {,}; 					
                            if (node.children){ 						
                            } else { 						
                                node.children = [child]; 					
                 return nodes; 	

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