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jquery ajax jsonp calls instance code across domains

May 08, 2021 JSON

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What is cross-domain?

Simply put, for security reasons, JavaScript on the page does not have access to data on other servers, known as "same-origin policies." Cross-domain is the use of some means to bypass the same-origin policy restrictions, to achieve the effect of communication between different servers.

The following table can be seen for specific policy restrictions:

Url Description Allow communication
Under the same domain name Allow
Different folders under the same domain name Allow
Same domain name, different ports Not allowed
Same domain name, different protocols Not allowed
The domain name corresponds to the ip of the domain name Not allowed
The primary domain is the same and the sub-domains are different Not allowed
Same domain name, different secondary domain name (i.e.) Not allowed
Different domain names Not allowed

What is JSONP?

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data exchange format, while JSON with Padding is a "usage mode" of JSON that enables cross-domain acquisition of data.

The principle of JSONP across domains

Under the same-origin policy, a page under a server cannot get data outside of that server, except for labels such as img, iframe, script, which can request data from other servers through the src property. W ith the open policy of the script tag, we can request data across domains and, of course, require service-side cooperation. When we normally request a JSON data, the service side returns a string of JSON-type data, and when we use the JSONP pattern to request data, the service side returns an executable JavaScript code.

For example, if you need to get data server (or server):

  1. {"id": 123, "name" : 张三, "age": 17}
So, the data requested using the JSONP will be as follows:
  1. foo({"id": 123, "name" : 张三, "age": 17});
Of course, if the service side is more well thought out, the data returned might be as follows:
  1. try{foo({"id": 123, "name" : 张三, "age": 17});}catch(e){}

At this point we just define a foo() function and dynamically create a script tag so that its src property is

function executeJsonp(url){
  var eleScript= document.createElement("script");
  eleScript.type = "text/javascript";
  eleScript.src = url;

function foo(data){
    for(var p in data){

var url = "";

You can use the foo function to call the returned data.

How to get data across domains through JSONP in jQuery

The first method is to set dataType to 'jsonp' in the ajax function:
  1. $.ajax({
  2.         dataType: 'jsonp',
  3.         url: '',
  4.         success: function(data){
  5.                 //处理data数据
  6.         }
  7. });
The second method is to use getJSON to implement, as long as the address is added to the callback?
  1. $.getJSON('', function(data){
  2.         //处理data数据
  3. });

You can also simply use the getScript method:

  1. //此时也可以在函数外定义foo方法
  2. function foo(data){
  3.         //处理data数据
  4. }
  5. $.getJSON('');

Application of JSONP

JSONP can play a very important role in the open API, the open API is used in the developer's own applications, and many applications are often on the developer's server rather than on the Sina Weibo server, so cross-domain request data has become a major problem that developers need to solve, the vast number of open platforms should implement support for JSONP, which Sina Weibo open platform does very well (although some APIs do not explain, But it can actually be called using the JSONP method).

jquery ajax jsonp calls instance code across domains

Cross-domain calls can be made using both the GET and POST methods

The client code

The code is as follows:
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="WebForm1.aspx.cs" Inherits="WebApp.WebForm1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">
<script src="jquery-1.7.1.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    function aa() {
            url: "http://localhost:12079/WebForm2.aspx",
            data: "p1=1&p2=2&callback=?",
            type: "post",
            processData: false,
            timeout: 15000,
            dataType: "jsonp",  // not "json" we'll parse
            jsonp: "jsonpcallback",
            success: function(result) {

    <form id="form1" runat="server">

        <input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="aa()" /></p>

Server-side code

The code is as follows:
 public partial class WebForm2 : System.Web.UI.Page
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

         string callback = Request["callback"]; 
            string v1="1";
            string v2="2";
            string response = "{\"value1\":\"" + v1 + "\",\"value2\":\"" + v2 + "\"}";
            string call = callback + "(" + response + ")";

The client page and the server-side page are in two projects for cross-domain call testing.

Cross-domain instance code (jquery needs to be loaded, the page is utf-8 encoded):

The code is as follows:
  <script type="text/javascript">
   function success_jsonpCallback(data){
    var html = '';
    var pos = '';
    html += '<ul>';
    jQuery.each(data, function(k, v) {
                  pos = '【' + '】' + v.positionName + '('+ v.salary +') - '+v.companyName;
      if(pos.length > 20){
       pos = pos.substring(0,19)+'...';
                     html += '<li><a href="'+v.posiitonDetailUrl+'" target="_blank" title="【' + '】' + v.positionName + '('+ v.salary +') - '+v.companyName+'">'+pos+'</a></li>';
    html += '</ul><div class="more-link"><a href="" rel="external nofollow" target="_blank"  target="_blank">更多</a></div>';

   function getLagouData() {
     url: "",
     type: "GET",
     dataType: "jsonp",
     jsonpCallback: 'success_jsonpCallback',
     contentType: "application/jsonp; charset=utf-8",
     success: function(data) {
  <div id="lagouData"></div>

jsonp code:

The code is as follows:

success_jsonpCallback([{"city":"广州","companyName":"POCO.CN","createTime":"15:02发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"身处凝聚力团队,老城区上班交通便利,双休","positionName":"商业前端开发工程师","salary":"4k-7k"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"美通云动(北京)科技有限公司","createTime":"14:47发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"Html5技术最棒的团队","positionName":"Web前端开发","salary":"4k-8k"},{"city":"杭州","companyName":"口袋购物","createTime":"14:42发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"广阔的发展平台、自我价值体现的地方","positionName":"web前端开发工程师","salary":"8k-12k"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"布丁移动","createTime":"14:02发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"三餐、周围美女如云","positionName":"Android开发工程师","salary":"10k-20k"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"布丁移动","createTime":"14:02发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"三餐,小桥流水人家,美女","positionName":"ios开发工程师","salary":"10k-20k"},{"city":"上海","companyName":"天天动听","createTime":"00:55发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"创业氛围 讲求小而美","positionName":"Android开发工程师","salary":"8k-16k"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"LBE安全大师","createTime":"11:39发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"五险一金 绩效奖金","positionName":"Android开发工程师","salary":"8k以上"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"点心移动","createTime":"11:24发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"技术导向的团队氛围,全方位的福利待遇","positionName":"Android","salary":"15k-25k"},{"city":"广州","companyName":"荔枝FM","createTime":"10:44发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"连坚持跑步、保持体重都有奖励哦!","positionName":"WP手机开发工程师","salary":"16k-25k"},{"city":"北京","companyName":"网银-京东子公司","createTime":"10:08发布","posiitonDetailUrl":"","positionAdvantage":"负责京东商城-互联网金融产品 JS开发","positionName":"Javascript 前端开发工程师","salary":"10k-20k"}])