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jQuery adds elements

May 07, 2021 jQuery

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jQuery - Add elements

jQuery makes it easy to add new elements/content.

Add new HTML content

We'll learn four jQuery methods for adding new content:

  • append() - Insert the specified content at the end inside the selected element
  • Prepend() - Insert the specified content at the beginning of the selected element
  • after() - Insert content after the selected element
  • before() - Insert content before the selected element

jQuery append() method

The jQuery append() method inserts content at the end of the selected element.

$("p").append("Some appended text.");

Try it out . . .

jQuery prepend() method

The jQuery prepend() method inserts content at the beginning of the selected element.

$("p").prepend("Some prepended text.");

Try it out . . .

Add a number of new elements through the append() and prepend() methods

In the example above, we only insert text/HTML at the beginning/end of the selected element.

However, the append() and prepend() methods can receive an unlimited number of new elements through parameters. You can generate text/HTML (as in the example above) with jQuery, or through JavaScript code and DOM elements.

In the following example, we create several new elements. T hese elements can be created by text/HTML, jQuery, or JavaScript/DOM. Then we append these new elements to the text via the append() method (as well as prepend():

function appendText()
var txt1="<p>Text.</p>";               // 使用 HTML 标签创建文本
var txt2=$("<p></p>").text("Text.");   // 使用 jQuery 创建文本
var txt3=document.createElement("p");
TXT3.INNNERHTML = "Text." // Create text with DOM Text with DOM
$ ("p"). Append (txt1, txt2, txt3); // Add new elements

Try it out . . .

jQuery after() and before() methods

The jQuery after() method inserts content after the selected element.

The jQuery before() method inserts content before the selected element.

$ ("img"). after "Add Text Back");

$ ("img"). Before ("Add Text in front");

Try it out . . .

Add several new elements through the after() and before() methods

The after() and before() methods can receive an unlimited number of new elements through parameters. New elements can be created by text/HTML, jQuery, or JavaScript/DOM.

In the following example, we create several new elements. T hese elements can be created by text/HTML, jQuery, or JavaScript/DOM. Then we insert these new elements into the text by the after() method (which is equally valid for before():

function afterText()
var txt1="<b>I </b>";                    // 使用 HTML 创建元素
var txt2=$("<i></i>").text("love ");     // 使用 jQuery 创建元素
Var txt3 = document.createElement ("BIG"); // Creating an element using DOM
$ ("img"). after (txt1, txt2, txt3); // Add text after image

Try it out . . .

Tip: In jQuery, append/prepend is embedded inside the selection element, whileafter/before is appended outside the element.