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JavaScript RegExp object

May 06, 2021 JavaScript with HTML DOM Reference book

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JavaScript RegExp object

RegExp object

Regular expressions are objects that describe character patterns.

Regular expressions are a powerful tool for string pattern matching and retrieval substitution and perform pattern matching of strings.


var patt=new RegExp(pattern,modifiers);

Or simpler way:

var patt=/pattern/modifiers;
  • Pattern describes the pattern of an expression
  • modifiers are used to specify global matches, case-sensitive matches, and multi-line matches

Note: When you create a regular object using a constructor, you need a regular character escape rule (add a backslash before it). For example, here's the equivalent:

var re = new RegExp("\\w+");
var re = /\w+/;

For more information on RegExp objects, read our JavaScript RegExp Objects tutorial.


Modifiers are used to perform case-sensitive and global matches:

Modifier Describe
Performs a case-insensitive match.
G Perform a global match (find all matches instead of stopping when the first match is found).
M Perform a multi-line match.

Square brackets

Square brackets are used to find characters in a range:

The expression Describe
[abc] Find any character between square brackets.
[^abc] Find any characters that are not between square brackets.
[0-9] Look for any numbers from 0 to 9.
[a-z] Look for any characters from small case a to smaller z.
[A-Z] Find any characters from capital A to capital Z.
[A-z] Look for any characters from capital A to smaller z.
[adgk] Find any characters within a given collection.
[^adgk] Find any characters outside a given collection.
(red|blue|green) Look for any of the specified options.


Metacharacter is a character with a special meaning:

Meta-characters Describe
. Look for individual characters, except line breaks and line endings.
\w Find word characters.
\W Find non-word characters.
\d Find the number.
\D Find non-numeric characters.
\s Look for blank characters.
\S Find non-blank characters.
\b Match word boundaries.
\B Match non-word boundaries.
\0 Find NUL characters.
\n Look for line breaks.
\f Look for page breaks.
\r Look for carriage returns.
\t Look for tabs.
\v Look for vertical tabs.
\xxx Find the characters specified in octal xxx.
\xdd Look for characters specified in the hete sixteenth-order number dd.
\uxxxx Look for Unicode characters specified in hex xxxx.


Quantifiers Describe
n+ Matches any string that contains at least one n.
N Matches any string that contains zero or more n.
N? Matches any string that contains zero or an n.
n{X} Matches a string that contains a sequence of X n.
n{X,Y} Matches a string that contains sequences of X to Y n.
n{X,} Matches a string that contains at least X n of the sequence.
n$ Matches any string that ends with n.
^n Matches any string that starts with n.
?=n Matches any string immediately following the specified string n.
?! N Matches any string that is not immediately followed by the specified string n.

RegExp object method

Method Describe Ff Ie
compile Compile regular expressions. 1 4
Exec Retrieves the value specified in the string. Returns the value found and determines its location. 1 4
test Retrieves the value specified in the string. Return true or false. 1 4

A method that supports a String object for regular expressions

Method Describe Ff Ie
search Retrieves the value that matches the regular expression. 1 4
match A match was found for one or more regular expressions. 1 4
replace Replaces a substruce that matches a regular expression. 1 4
split Split the string into an array of strings. 1 4