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Java instance

May 10, 2021 Java

Table of contents

Java instance

In this section, we'll introduce you to Java's commonly used examples, and learn from them that we can master Java applications faster.

Java environment settings instance

  1. Java Instance - How do I compile a Java file?
  2. Java Instance - How does Java run a compiled class file?
  3. Java Instance - How do I perform the specified class file directory (classpath)?
  4. Java Instances - How do I see the version that is currently running in Java?

Java string

  1. Java Instance - String comparison
  2. Java instance - Finds where the string last appeared
  3. Java instance - Removes a character from the string
  4. Java Instance - String replacement
  5. Java Instance - String Reversal
  6. Java Instance - String Lookup
  7. Java Instance - String split
  8. Java Instance - String small to capital
  9. Java Instance - Tests whether two string regions are equal
  10. Java Instance - String performance comparison test
  11. Java Instance - String Optimization
  12. Java Instance - String formatting
  13. Java instance - connection string

Java array

  1. Java Instances - Array sorting and element finding
  2. Java Instances - Arrays add elements
  3. Java Instance - Gets the length of the array
  4. Java Instance - Array Inverse
  5. Java Instance - Array Output
  6. Java Instances - Arrays get the maximum and minimum values
  7. Java Instances - Numbers combined
  8. Java Instance - Array population
  9. Java Instances - Array expansion
  10. Java Instances - Array sorting and finding
  11. Java Instance - Removes array elements
  12. Java Instance - Array Difference Set
  13. Java Instances - Array intersections
  14. Java Instance - Finds the specified element in the array
  15. Java Instance - Determines whether the array is equal
  16. Java Instance - Array set

Java time processing

  1. Java Instance - Format Time (SimpleDateFormat)
  2. Java instance - Gets the current time
  3. Java Instance - Gets year, month, and so on
  4. Java instance - Timestamp converts to time

Java method

  1. Java Instance - Method overload
  2. Java Instance - Output array elements
  3. Java Instance - Hannity algorithm
  4. Java Instance - Fibonachi number column
  5. Java Instance - Factor
  6. Java Instance - Method override
  7. Java Instance - InstanceOf keyword usage
  8. Java Instance - Break keyword usage
  9. Java Instance - continue keyword usage
  10. Java Instances - Labels
  11. Java instances - enum and switch statements are used
  12. Java Instances - Use of Enum constructors and methods
  13. Java instances - for and foreach recycling
  14. Java instance - Varargs variable parameters are used
  15. Java Instances - Varargs are used in overloading methods

Java file operation

  1. Java Instance - File write
  2. Java instance - Read the contents of the file
  3. Java Instance - Delete the file
  4. Java Instance - Copy the contents of a file to another file
  5. Java Instance - Append data to the file
  6. Java Instance - Create a temporary file
  7. Java Instance - The last date the file was modified
  8. Java instance - Gets the file size
  9. Java Instance - File rename
  10. Java Instance - Set up a file read-only
  11. Java Instance - Detects the existence of a file
  12. Java Instance - Create a file in the specified directory
  13. Java Instance - Gets the file modification time
  14. Java Instance - Create a file
  15. Java Instance - File path comparison

Java directory operations

  1. Java Instances - Recursive creation directories
  2. Java Instance - Delete the directory
  3. Java Instance - Determines if the directory is empty
  4. Java Instance - Determines if the file is hidden
  5. Java Instance - Gets the directory size
  6. Java Instance - Finds files in the specified directory
  7. Java instance - Gets the parent directory of the file
  8. Java Instance - Gets the last time the directory was modified
  9. Java Instance - Print directory structure
  10. Java instance - traverses all directories under the specified directory
  11. Java instance - traverses all files in the specified directory
  12. Java Instance - Finds files in the specified directory
  13. Java instance - traverses the system root
  14. Java Instance - View the current working directory
  15. Java instance - traversing the directory

Java exception handling

  1. Java Instance - Exception handling method
  2. Java Instances - Multiple Exception Handling (Multiple catch)
  3. Java instance - The use of Finally
  4. Java instance - Handle exceptions with catch
  5. Java Instance - Multithreaded exception handling
  6. Java instance - Gets stack information for the exception
  7. Java Instance - Overload method exception handling
  8. Java Instance - Chain Trial Exception
  9. Java Instance - Custom exception

Java data structure

  1. Java Instances - Numeric agging operations
  2. Java Instance - Uses the stack to convert the suffix expression into a suffix
  3. Java instance - at the beginning and knot of the linked list
  4. Java Instance - Gets the first linklist
  5. Java instance - Removes elements from the list
  6. Java Instance - Gets the elements of the list
  7. Java Instance - Gets the index value of the vector element
  8. Java instance - the implementation of the stack
  9. Java Instance - List Element Lookup
  10. Java Instance - The method of stacking out the stack implements string inverse
  11. Java Instance - Queue usage
  12. Java Instance - Gets the maximum element of the vector
  13. Java Instance - List modification
  14. Java Instance - Rotating vector

The Java collection

  1. Java Instances - Arrays to collections
  2. Java Instances - Collection Comparisons
  3. Java Instance - HashMap traversal
  4. Java Instance - Collection length
  5. Java Instances - Collections disrupt the order
  6. Java Instance - Collection traversal
  7. Java Instance - Collection Reversal
  8. Java Instance - Removes the specified elements from the collection
  9. Java Instances - Read-only collections
  10. Java Instance - Collection Output
  11. Java Instance - Collection to Array
  12. Java Instance - List loops elements
  13. Java Instance - Finds the maximum minimum value in the List
  14. Java Instance - traverses the key value of HashTable
  15. Java Instances - Traverse HashTable with Enumeration
  16. Java Instances - Add different types of elements to the collection
  17. Java Instance - List element replacement
  18. Java Instance - List Intercept

Java network instance

  1. Java Instance - Gets the IP address of the specified host
  2. Java Instance - See if the port is in use
  3. Java Instance - Gets the local ip address and host name
  4. Java Instance - Gets the remote file size
  5. Java Instance - Socket implements a multithreaded server program
  6. Java Instance - View when the host specified the last modification of the file
  7. Java Instance - Connect to the specified host using socket
  8. Java Instances - Web page crawls
  9. Java Instance - Gets date information for the URL response header
  10. Java Instance - Gets URL response header information
  11. Java Instance - Resolves the URL
  12. Java Instances - ServerSocket and Socket communication instances

Java thread

  1. Java Instance - See if the thread is alive
  2. Java Instance - Gets the current thread name
  3. Java Instance - State monitoring
  4. Java Instance - Thread priority setting
  5. Java Instances - deadlocks and workarounds
  6. Java Instance - Gets the thread id
  7. Java Instance - Thread suspended
  8. Java Instance - Terminate the thread
  9. Java Instance - Producer/Consumer Issues
  10. Java Instance - Gets the current thread name
  11. Java Instance - State monitoring
  12. Java Instance - Thread priority setting
  13. Java Instances - deadlocks and workarounds
  14. Java Instance - Gets the thread state
  15. Java Instance - Gets all threads
  16. Java Instance - View thread priority
  17. Java Instance - Break thread