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In the WeChat program API, the image is drawn using drawImage, and the image remains the original size

May 19, 2021 WeChat Mini Program Development Document

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In the WeChat program API, the image is drawn using drawImage, and the image remains the original size Drawing interfaces and methods



Draws the image so that it remains the original size.


Parameters Type Description
imageResource String The picture resource to draw
Number The x coordinates in the upper left corner of the image
Y Number The y coordinates in the upper left corner of the image
width Number The width of the image
height Number The height of the image


const ctx = wx.createCanvasContext('myCanvas')

  success: function(res){
    ctx.drawImage(res.tempFilePaths[0], 0, 0, 150, 100)

In the WeChat program API, the image is drawn using drawImage, and the image remains the original size

In the WeChat program API, the image is drawn using drawImage, and the image remains the original size Drawing interfaces and methods