HTML instance

HTML foundation

Very simple HTML documentation
HTML title
HTML paragraph
HTML links
HTML pictures

Instance resolution

HTML title

HTML title
Insert a comment in the html source code
Insert a horizontal line

Instance resolution

HTML paragraph

HTML paragraph
More paragraphs
This example demonstrates the use of trade-offs in HTML documents.
Some problems with HTML formatting.

Instance resolution

HTML text formatting

The text is formatted
This example shows how to use the pre label to control empty lines and spaces.
This example shows how different Computer Output labels look.
This example shows how to write an address in an HTML file.
This example shows how to implement abbreviations or abbreviations.
This example shows how to change the direction of the text.
This example shows how to implement references of different lengths.
The text is underlined and deleted

Instance resolution

HTML style

HTML Style element
Background color style
Font style, color, size
Text alignment style
Set the text font
Set the text font size
Set the text font color
Set the text font, font size, font color
HTML uses different styles
There are no underlined links
Link to an external style sheet

Instance resolution

HTML links

Create a hyperlink
Use the image as a link
Open the link in a new browser window
Links to different locations on the same page
Jump out of the frame
Create an e-mail link
Create an e-mail link 2

Instance resolution

HTML image

Insert the image
Insert pictures from different locations
Arrange the pictures
This example shows how to float a picture to the left or right of a paragraph.
Make an image link
Create an image map

Instance resolution

HTML tables

Simple table
A table without a border
The header in the table
Table with title
Table cells that span rows or columns
The label in the table
Cell margins (Cell padding)
Cell spacing

Instance resolution

HTML list

No sequence tables
An ordered list
Ordered lists of different types
Different types of sequenceless tables
Nested list
Nested list 2
Define the list

Instance resolution

HTML Forms and Input

Create a text field
Create a password domain
Check box
The option button
A simple pull-down list
Preselect the pull-down list
This example shows how to create a text field (multi-line text input control).
Create a button
This example shows how to draw a box with a title around the data.
A form with a text field and an input field
Form form with check box and submit button
A form with a ticket and a submit button
Send a mail form

Instance resolution

HTML iframe

Inline frame (insert frame in HTML page)

Instance resolution

HTML header element

Describes the title of the document
The default URL link in the HTML page
Provide document metadata

Instance resolution

HTML script

Insert a script
Use the hashtag

Instance resolution