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HTML <col> tags

May 04, 2021 HTML Reference Manual

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HTML and tags

The label is used to set property values for one or more columns in a table.

Labels can only be used internally for the elements of the .lt;table and the elements of the .lt;colgroup.

The labels set the background color for the three columns in the table:

<table border="1">
<col span="2" style="background-color:red">
<col style="background-color:yellow">
<td>My first HTML</td>

Try it out . . .

Browser support

HTML <col> tags HTML <col> tags HTML <col> tags HTML <col> tags HTML <col> tags

All major browsers support the hashtag.

Label definition and instructions for use

The label specifies the column properties of each column within the element.

By using the label, you can apply styles to the entire column without having to repeatedly style each cell or row.

Note: The col element is an empty element that contains only properties. To create a column, you must specify the td element inside the tr element.

The difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

Most of the properties in HTML 4.01 are no longer supported in HTML5.

The difference between HTML and XHTML

In HTML, the label does not end the label.

In XHTML, the label must be properly turned off.


属性 描述
align left
HTML5 不支持。 规定与 <col> 元素相关的内容的水平对齐方式。
char character HTML5 不支持。 规定根据哪个字符来对齐与 <col> 元素相关的内容。
charoff number HTML5 不支持。 规定第一个对齐字符的偏移量。
span number 规定 <col> 元素应该横跨的列数。
valign top
HTML5 不支持。 规定与 <col> 元素相关的内容的垂直对齐方式。
width %
HTML5 不支持。 Specifies the width of a <col> element

Global properties

Labels support the global properties of HTML.

The event property

The tag supports the event properties of HTML.

Related articles

HTML DOM Column object