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HTML and ol> tags

May 04, 2021 HTML Reference Manual

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HTML and ol> tags

The label represents an ordered list in HTML and is an abbreviation for ordered lists. You can customize the initial serial number of an ordered list, refer to the following example:

2 different examples of ordered lists:


<ol start="10">

Try it out . . .

Browser support

HTML and ol> tags HTML and ol> tags HTML and ol> tags HTML and ol> tags HTML and ol> tags

Most browsers currently support the hashtag.

Label definition and instructions for use

The label defines an ordered list. The list is sorted in numbers.

Use the hashtag to define the list options.

Tips and comments

Tip: If you need a sequenceless table, use the hashtag.

Tip: Use CSS to define list styles.

The difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

The "start" and "type" properties are discarded in HTML 4.01 and are not supported by HTML5.

The "reversed" property is a new property in HTML5.

The "compact" property is obsolete in HTML 4.01 and is not supported in HTML5.


New :HTML5 new property.

属性 描述
compact compact HTML5中不支持,不赞成使用。 请使用样式取代它。规定列表呈现的效果比正常情况更小巧。
reversed New reversed 指定列表倒序(9,8,7...)
start number HTML5不支持,不赞成使用。请使用样式取代它。规定列表中的起始点。
type 1

Global properties

The label supports global properties and views the full property sheet HTML global properties.

The event property

The label supports all HTML event properties.

Related articles

HTML tutorial: HTML list

HTML DOM Reference Manual: HTML DOM Ol Object