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HTML <a> tag

May 04, 2021 HTML Reference Manual

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Labels are used to define hyperlinks that link from one page to another.

The most important property of a label is the href property, which is used to create a link (or hyperlink) to another document.

Link to the W3Cschool tutorial :

Visit the W3Cschool online tutorial at www.wrefs.html "

Try it out . . .
(See bottom of page for more examples)

Browser support

HTML <a> tag HTML <a> tag HTML <a> tag HTML <a> tag HTML <a> tag

All major browsers support the hashtag.

Label definition and instructions for use

Labels define hyperlinks that are used to link from one page to another.

The most important property of an element is the href property, which specifies the target of the link.

In all browsers, the default appearance of the link is as follows:

  • Unintected links are underlined and blue
  • The links that have been accessed are underlined and purple
  • The active link is underlined and red

Tips and comments

Tip: If you don't use the href property, you can't use the hreflang, media, rel, target, and type properties.

Tip: Linked pages are usually displayed in the current browser window unless additional targeting is specified.

Tip: Use CSS to change the style of the link.

The difference between HTML 4.01 and HTML5

In HTML 4.01, a label can be neither a hyperlink nor an anchor. In HTML5, the label is a hyperlink, but if there is no href property, it is only a placeholder for the hyperlink.

HTML5 has some new properties and no longer supports some HTML 4.01 properties.

Hands-on training

Set the anchor link within the p-label

Set the external page of the link anchor element


New : The new property in HTML5.

属性 描述
charset char_encoding HTML5 不支持。 规定目标 URL 的字符编码。
coords coordinates HTML5 不支持。 规定链接的坐标。
download New filename 指定下载链接
href URL 规定链接的目标 URL。
hreflang language_code 规定目标 URL 的基准语言。仅在 href 属性存在时使用。
media New media_query 规定目标 URL 的媒介类型。默认值:all。仅在 href 属性存在时使用。
name section_name HTML5 不支持。 规定锚的名称。
rel alternate
规定当前文档与目标 URL 之间的关系。仅在 href 属性存在时使用。
rev text HTML5 不支持。 规定目标 URL 与当前文档之间的关系。
shape default
HTML5 不支持。 规定链接的形状。
target _blank
规定在何处打开目标 URL。仅在 href 属性存在时使用。
type New MIME_type 规定目标 URL 的 MIME 类型。仅在 href 属性存在时使用。
注:MIME = Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions。

Global properties

Labels support the global properties of HTML.

The event property

The tag supports the event properties of HTML.

HTML <a> tag

Try it - instance

Create a hyperlink
This example shows how to create a link in an HTML document.

Use the image as a link
This example shows how to use an image as a link.

Open the link in a new browser window
This example shows how to open a page in a new window so that visitors don't have to leave your site.

Create an e-mail link
This example shows how to link to a message. ( This example does not work until the mail client program is installed.)

Create an e-mail link 2
This example demonstrates more complex mail links.

Use anchors to jump to different locations on the same page
This example shows how to use the anchor's id property to jump to a different location on the page (HTML5 does not support the name property).

Related articles

HTML tutorial: HTML links

HTML DOM Reference Manual: Anchor Object