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How's JavaScript?

May 29, 2021 Article blog

JavaScript is the world's most popular scripting language, it belongs to the language of the web, is the basis of a variety of front-end languages. A s the backbone of web dynamic interaction development, JavaScript's importance is self-evident. T he emergence of frameworks such as vue, jquery, react and so on is also an upgrade to JavaScript. So how about we talk about JavaScript today?

 How's JavaScript?1

JavaScript tutorial

JavaScript app

  • Web development

HTML, CSS, and JavaScript are the three swordsmen of web development and are essential skills for every front-end developer. JavaScript played a decisive role in the development of dynamic interactive pages, and now the mainstream vue, jquery framework is written by JavaScript.

  • Back-end development

The advent of node gives the language of the original front end a place in the back end, and JavaScript's natural asynchronous processing makes it perform well enough in terms of IO.

  • Client development

JavaScript is also suitable for client development through electron technology, and many editors are developed by js, such as atom, vscode, and so on. Performance may not perform as well as java, but this problem can be ignored as computer technology updates iterate.

  • Mobile apps

PhoneGap brings WebView to mobile apps and JavaScript to mobile apps. J avaScript is all you need to develop applications for every platform. With the advent of small programs, JavaScript has become more available in mobile applications.

The future of JavaScript

For now, there is still a big gap in JavaScript's talent demand, and many technology companies' demand for JavaScript developers is only growing, and programmers who master JavaScript will significantly improve their competitiveness in the workplace. JavaScript is also considered by the IT industry to be the most competitive language of the future, with plenty of room to grow.

That's the basics about JavaScript. For more JavaScript learning, follow