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How many of the three wrong habits have you made in a programmer's career?

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

Improving programming is one of the most important things in a programmer's professional career. If you jump out of programming and think about the problems associated with a programmer's career, it's the habits that have the biggest impact on programmers.

 How many of the three wrong habits have you made in a programmer's career?1

The following w3cschool summarizes three common wrong habits for your reference.

Habit 1: Ignore non-technical and soft skills

Many programmers are actually really good at writing code, understanding and thinking about complex architecture levels are also high, in the algorithm is even more. H owever, in the position, salary, often encounter bottlenecks. The main reason is also because of the neglect of non-technical and soft skills development.

 How many of the three wrong habits have you made in a programmer's career?2

W3cschool believes that as a software developer, half of your job is to deal with people and talk about how to turn business requirements into code, and you still need to know a certain amount of business knowledge, of course, the best way is to communicate with the business and requirements designers first, rather than smothering the code.

No matter what you do, soft skills are almost always more important than hard and technical skills.

Habit 2: What does it have to do with me?

At work, programmers often complain about "tests come to me again," "demands come to me again," "customers come to me again, " and so on. But if you look at it as an opportunity to grow, the results are different.

We know that companies need to continuously improve and improve their products. You too, your product is your programming skills and services.

 How many of the three wrong habits have you made in a programmer's career?3

"What I can offer as a business" learning to think like a business can have a profound impact on how you think about your career. In other words, treat your software development business as a business.

Habit 3: Don't invest in personal brands

Building your personal brand is a powerful tool for you to find a job, get a promotion, tap potential customers, and start your own business. U nfortunately, some programmers still ignore the creation of personal brands. I often hear about selling products and services, but have you ever thought about selling yourself?

 How many of the three wrong habits have you made in a programmer's career?4

To build a personal brand in the software development industry, w3cschool recommends blogging, choosing a specific field or specialty, and writing content that is best of particular help to others. You can also create YouTube videos, blog, and even write books.

Of course, how to solve the problems caused by these habits, or you need to practice. True warriors, dare to face up to their own shortcomings, and then actively correct them!