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May 25, 2021 Grunt


Grunt's option API is used to share parameters between multiple tasks and access parameters set on the command line.

A simple case is to specify a flag for a target that distinguishes between a development period or a transition period. On the command line: grunt deploy --target=staging will return grunt.option('target') "staging"

The following Gruntfile how to use target option:

  compass: {
    dev: {
      options: {
        /* ... */
        outputStyle: 'expanded'
    staging: {
      options: {
        /* ... */
        outputStyle: 'compressed'
var target = grunt.option('target') || 'dev';
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['compass:' + target]);

When you grunt deploy your style sheet defaults to dev and outputs easy-to-read CSS format code. If you run grunt deploy --target=staging staging is executed and the CSS is output after compression.

grunt.option be used in task, as follows:

grunt.registerTask('upload', 'Upload code to specified target.', function(n) {
  var target = grunt.option('target');
  // do something useful with target here
grunt.registerTask('deploy', ['validate', 'upload']);

Note that the boolean parameter can specify only keys and omit the value. For example, executing grunt deploy --staging command line will return grunt.option('staging') true


Get or set an option.

grunt.option(key[, val])

The option of the boolean type can key by no- before key. Here's the case:

grunt.option('staging', false);
var isDev = grunt.option('no-staging');
// isDev === true


Initialize grunt.option If initObject option is initialized as an empty object, otherwise it is initObject



Return all arguments as an array of command line arguments.
