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Gradle Web Engineering Build

May 25, 2021 Gradle

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Web engineering build

This chapter describes Gradle's support for Web engineering. G radle provides two main plug-ins for web development, War plugin and Jetty plugin. W here War plugin is inherited from Java plugin, it can be used to play war packages. Jetty plugin is inherited from War plugin as a container for engineering deployments.

Hit the War pack

You need to package the War file, you need to use War plugin in your script:

War plugin


apply plugin: 'war'

Note: This sample code can be found under the samples/webApplication/quickstart path in the Gradle distribution package.

Because it inherits from the Java plug-in, when you perform the gradle build, your project is compiled, tested, and packaged. G radle looks src/main/webapp The compiled classes file and runtime dependencies are also included in the War package.

Groovy web build

You can use multiple plug-ins in a single project. F or example, you can use both War plugin and Groovy plugin in web engineering. The plug-in adds the Gradle dependency to your War package.

The Web project starts

To start a web project, simply use Jetty plugin:

Start a web project with Jetty plugin


apply plugin: 'jetty'

Since Jetty plugin inherits from War plugin. C alling gradle jettyRun will deploy your project startup to the jetty container. Calling gradle jettyRunWar packages and starts deployment to the jetty container.

To be added: Which URL to use, configure the port, where to use the source file, edit your file, and reload the content.