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Gradle War plug-in

May 25, 2021 Gradle

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War plug-in

War's plug-in inherits from the Java plug-in and adds support for assembling WAR files for web applications. It disables the Java plug-in to generate the default JAR archive and adds a default WAR archive task.


To use War's plug-in, include the following statement in the build script:

Use the War plug-in


apply plugin: 'war'  


The War plug-in adds the following tasks to the project.

Table 26.1. War plug-in - task

The name of the task Depends on Type Describe
war compile War Assemble the application WAR file.

The War plug-in adds the following dependencies to the tasks that the Java plug-in joins.

Table 26.2. War plug-in - additional task dependency

The name of the task Depends on
assemble war

Figure 26.1. War plug-in - tasks

Gradle War plug-in

The project layout

Table 26.3. War plug-in - project layout

Directory Significance
from <s1>'src/main/webapp'</s1> Web application source code

Rely on management

The War plug-in adds two dependency configurations: providedCompile and providedRuntime. A lthough they have their own compile and runtime configurations, they have the same scope, but they are not added to the WAR file. I t is important to note that these provided configurations are used for delivery. S uppose you add commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0 dependent on any one of the provided configurations. T his dependency, in turn, depends on commons-codec. T his means that between httpclient and commons-codec are not added to your WAR, even if commons-codec is a display dependency on the compile configuration. If you don't want this delivery behavior, just declare the provided dependency as commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.0@jar the same.

Convention properties

Table 26.4. War Plug-in - Directory Properties

The name of the property Type The default Describe
webAppDirName String from <s1>'src/main/webapp'</s1> The name of the web application source directory, which is a directory name relative to the project directory.
webAppDir File (read-only) webAppDirName The source directory of the Web application.

These properties are provided by a WarPluginConvention convention object.


The default behavior of War task is to copy the contents of the src/main/webapp to the root of the archive. Y our webapp directory may naturally contain a WEB-INF subdirecte, which may also contain a web .xml file. C ompiled classes are compiled into WEB-INF/classes. All runtime configuration dependencies are copied to WEB-INF/lib.


Here's an example of the most important customization options:

The customization of the war plug-in


configurations {
repositories {
   flatDir { dirs "lib" }
dependencies {
    compile module(":compile:1.0") {
        dependency ":compile-transitive-1.0@jar"
        dependency ":providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar"
    providedCompile "javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5"
    providedCompile module(":providedCompile:1.0") {
        dependency ":providedCompile-transitive:1.0@jar"
    runtime ":runtime:1.0"
    providedRuntime ":providedRuntime:1.0@jar"
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.11'
    moreLibs ":otherLib:1.0"
war {
    from 'src/rootContent' // adds a file-set to the root of the archive
    webInf { from 'src/additionalWebInf' } // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF dir.
    classpath fileTree('additionalLibs') // adds a file-set to the WEB-INF/lib dir.
    classpath configurations.moreLibs // adds a configuration to the WEB-INF/lib dir.
    webXml = file('src/someWeb.xml') // copies a file to WEB-INF/web.xml

Of course, you can configure different sets of files with a closure that defines excludes and includes.