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GitHub Premium Open Source Projects and Resources 2020

May 31, 2021 Article blog

Table of contents

w3cschool organizes high-quality open source projects and resources on GitHub to help developers quickly retrieve open source projects and improve their knowledge skills.


project description
sindresorhus/awesome Covers all computer-related resources
EbookFoundation/free-programming-books A free collection of e-books
MaximAbramchuck/awesome-interview-questions A selection of interview questions
Kickball/awesome-selfhosted A list of network services and web apps that can be built locally
haiiiiiyun/awesome-selfhosted-cn Chinese translation of awesome-selfhosted
lukasz-madon/awesome-remote-job Remote work related and resources

Interview/brush questions

project description
CyC2018/CS-Notes Basics for technical interviews, Leetcode, computer operating systems, computer networks, system design, Java, Python, C
doocs/advanced-java Back-office engineers advanced knowledge literacy, covering high concurring, distributed, high availability, microservices, massive data processing and other fields of knowledge
geekxh/hello-algorithm Illustrated algorithm problem, currently completed a total of 105 high-frequency interview algorithm questions, all using comic illustration methods
haizlin/fe-interview Front-end interview question bank. Interview daily 3-1, to interview questions to drive learning, promote daily learning and thinking, every day to improve a little!
labuladong/fucking-algorithm There are more than 60 original articles in this warehouse, all based on LeetCode topics, covering all question types and techniques
TheAlgorithms/Java Implement all algorithms with Java
TheAlgorithms/Python Implement all the algorithms with Python
TheAlgorithms/Javascript Implement all algorithms with Javascript
TheAlgorithms/C Implement all algorithms in C
TheAlgorithms/C-Plus-Plus All algorithms are implemented using the
TheAlgorithms/Go Implement all algorithms in the Go language
TheAlgorithms/Ruby Implement all algorithms in the Ruby language
TheAlgorithms/PHP Implement all algorithms in the PHP language
TheAlgorithms Other language algorithm versions are implemented, click here

programming language

project description
avelino/awesome-go Go language selection
sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs Node .js picks
fffaraz/awesome-cpp A selection of C+
akullpp/awesome-java Java Picks
markets/awesome-ruby Ruby Picks
vinta/awesome-python Python Picks
ziadoz/awesome-php PHP Picks


project description
30-seconds/30-seconds-of-code A selection of JavaScript snippets. Other programming languages such as Python, PHP, C, and Go have been added
tiimgreen/github-cheat-sheet Git and Github use cheats
iluwatar/java-design-patterns Java design pattern
binhnguyennus/awesome-scalability Large system architecture design patterns
PKUanonym/REKCARC-TSC-UHT A course in computer science at Tsinghua University
QSCTech/zju-icicles Zhejiang University Curriculum Strategy Sharing Program

Computer science/machine learning

project description
ossu/computer-science Computer science self-study tutorial
prakhar1989/awesome-courses Computer science learning tutorials
ChristosChristofidis/awesome-deep-learning A selection of resources related to deep learning
ujjwalkarn/Machine-Learning-Tutorials Machine learning, deep learning tutorials


project description
jaywcjlove/awesome-mac Mac-related apps, software, and tools
herrbischoff/awesome-macos-command-line A selection of common commands and tools for Mac system terminals
alebcay/awesome-shell Related tools and resources under the shell terminal
luongvo209/Awesome-Linux-Software Related software and resources under Linux

Front-end development

project description
dypsilon/frontend-dev-bookmarks A selection of resources related to front-end development
brillout/awesome-react-components React component selection
AllThingsSmitty/css-protips Improve your CSS skills with a range of CSS tips

Mobile development

project description
jondot/awesome-react-native React Native Picks
matteocrippa/awesome-swift Swift Picks

Desktop development

project description
jsindresorhus/awesome-electron Electron Selection
serhii-londar/open-source-mac-os-apps Open Source App Picks on Macs

Above is GitHub Premium Open Source Projects and Resources 2020, organized by w3cschool, and you can also view GitHub's Global Developer List TOP200

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