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Flutter, a new APP development framework

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

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With the rapid development of the Internet of Things and the arrival of a new APP开发 boom, companies such as Google and Huawei are redefining the mobile development framework, and Flutter is one of the options. I can't say Flutter must be the future of mobile technology, but it must represent the direction of mobile technology.

First, what is Flutter?

Flutter is Google free open source cross-platform development framework, launched on May 3, 2015, to quickly build high-quality native user interfaces on iOS and Android Flutter is designed to help developers develop high-performance, high-stability, high-frame rates, low-latency Android and iOS apps using a suite of code. Flutter uses the Dart language, Google own web programming Dart语言

 Flutter, a new APP development framework1

Second, the development of Flutter

The first version of Flutter Sky was unveiled at the Dart Developer Summit in May 2015;

The first Beta release was announced at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) on February 27, 2018;

06 March 2018 Beta 2 release;

On December 05, 2018, Google released the official version of Flutter 1.0

Google Flutter 1.9

Many large companies and developers are now transforming to use and learn Flutter for the development of cross-platform applications. S everal companies around the world have started using Flutter to develop applications, including Abbey Road Studios 阿里巴巴 Capital One Groupon Hamilton 京东 Philips Hue Reflectly and 腾讯 Flutter 1.9 is released in September 2019, and the frequency of such updates is driving developers and companies, and Flutter is set to become a mainstream trend in cross-platform development in the future.

 Flutter, a new APP development framework2

Third, Flutter framework features

Fast development

Flutter thermal overload capabilities help developers experiment quickly, refactor UI, add features, and fix bugs. Experience subsecond overloads on emulators, emulators, ios, android hardware without losing state.


Flutter renders based on the image drawing engine, and draws absolutely consistently across platforms for true cross-platform results.

Gorgeous UI

Let users experience the joys of UI design with Flutter built-in, beautiful, textured Cupertino (ios-flavor) gadgets, rich animation APIs, smooth natural scrolling, and platform awareness.


With Flutter's modern responsive framework, rich platform layout, and underlying components, the user interface can be easily built. Solve 2D, animation, gestures, effects, and more with powerful and flexible APIs.

Access native features

Bring your app to life with 平台api 第三方sdk and 原生代码 Flutter reuses existing java swift and Objc code and accesses native features and SDK on iOS and Android

Fourth, the current comparison of various cross-platform solutions

There are two technical options for developing APP apps that need to be compatible with both iOS and Android

1, take the native development route, the interface and logic in different platforms to achieve separately;

2, with the same set of code compatible with multiple platforms, but this often means the loss of running speed and product experience.

In addition to native, current cross-platform technologies are typically hybrid development, such as the use of H5 React Native Weex small programs and other technologies for cross-platform applications. However, these hybrid developments, more or less can feel the UI cardton and experience is not smooth, and the development and learning costs are very high, have their own limitations.

Flutter emergence provides developers with a solution that provides them with the best of both worlds: the ability to accelerate graphics rendering and UI drawing with direct calls from native code, while running simultaneously on two major mobile operating systems, with experience and fluency and native consistency, high development efficiency, learning difficulty, and low cost.

 Flutter, a new APP development framework3

From the comparison above, Flutter has significant advantages: high experience, high development efficiency, low learning costs, and high scalability. T he Google Flutter team will also enable Flutter to support cross-platform development of PC and Web for a truly full platform. For Flutter cross-platform features, a comparison with react native and weex shows that the performance of both comes with its own Skia drawing engine, which is comparable to native performance.

Here are some of the introductions to Flutter and students interested in Flutter can take a look at the tutorial:

Flutter Chinese documents:

Flutter micro-class: