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Flex Internationalization

May 25, 2021 Flex

Table of contents

Flex provides two ways to internationalize Flex applications, and we'll demonstrate that the use of compile time internationalization is the most commonly used in projects.
Technology Describe
The compilation time is internationalized This technique is the most common and requires very little overhead at runtime; /b10> Is a very effective technique for translating constant and paramethy strings; T he simplest implementation. /b11> Compile-time internationalization uses standard property files to store translated strings and paramethy messages that are compiled directly in the application.
Run-time internationalization This technique is very flexible, but slower than static string internationalization. /b10> You need to compile the localized property files separately, keep them outside the application, and load them at runtime.

The workflow that internationalizes Flex applications

Step 1: Create a folder structure

Create a locale folder under the src folder of the Flex project. T his will be the parent directory of all property files for the locale that the application will support. /b10> In the locale folder, create a sub-folder, and support one for each application's locale. The convention for naming a language environment is

{language}_{country code}

For example, en_US represents English in the United States. /b10> The locale de_DE german. The sample application will support two common languages: English and German

Step 2: Create a property file

Create a property file that contains the messages you want to use in your application. /b10> We created a HelloWorldMessages.en_US file under the src and locale and locale files.

enterName=Enter your name
clickMe=Click Me
applicationTitle=Application Internationalization Demonstration
greeting=Hello {0}

Create a property file that contains translation values that are specific to the locale. /b10> We created a HelloWorldMessages.de_DE file under the src and locale and locale files. /b12> This file contains translations in German. /b13> _de to specify a German locale, we will support German in our application.

If you want to create a property file using Flash Builder, change the encoding of the file to UTC-8. S elect the file, and then right-click to open its property window. S elect the text file to encode as a different UTF-8. Apply and save the changes.

enterName=Geben Sie Ihren Namen
clickMe=Klick mich
applicationTitle=Anwendung Internationalisierung Demonstration
greeting=Hallo {0}

Step 3: Specify the compiler options

  • Right-click the item and select the property.

  • Select the Flex compiler and add the following to the Other Compiler Parameters settings:

-locale en_US de_DE
  • Right-click the item and select the property.

  • Select the Flex build path, and then add the following to the source path settings:


An example of internalization

Now let's test the internalization techniques in the Flex application by following these steps:

Steps Describe
1 As described in the Flex - Create Applications section, create a project called HelloWorld under package com.tutorialspoint.client.
2 Modify HelloWorld.mxml, as described below. /b10> Keep the rest of the file unchanged.
3 Compile and run the application to ensure that the business logic works as required.

The following is the contents of the modified mxml file src / com.tutorialspoint / HelloWorld.mxml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
   <s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
   minWidth="500" minHeight="500">
   <fx:Style source="/com/tutorialspoint/client/Style.css"/>
         import mx.controls.Alert;
         private var locales:Array = [{label:"English", locale:"en_US"},
            {label:"German", locale:"de_DE"}];

         private function comboChangeHandler():void
           resourceManager.localeChain = [localeComboBox.selectedItem.locale];

         protected function clickMe_clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void
            var name:String = txtName.text;
            var inputArray:Array = new Array();
   <s:BorderContainer width="500" height="500" id="mainContainer" 
      <s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" gap="50" 
	  horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle">
         <s:Label id="lblHeader" fontSize="40" 
            text ="{resourceManager.getString('HelloWorldMessages'
            styleName="heading" width="90%" height="150"/>
         <s:Panel width="300" height="150">
               <s:VerticalLayout paddingTop="10" paddingLeft="10" />
            <s:HGroup >
               <s:TextInput id="txtName"/>
            click="clickMe_clickHandler(event)" right="10" />	
         <mx:ComboBox id="localeComboBox" 
         dataProvider="{locales}" change="comboChangeHandler()"/>

When all the changes are ready, let's compile and run the application in normal mode, as in the Flex - Create Application chapter. If all goes well with your application, this will result in the following results:

Flex Internationalization

Use the language drop-down menu to change the language and see the results.

Flex Internationalization