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Flex FlexUnit integration

May 25, 2021 Flex

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Flash Builder 4 provides excellent built-in support for FlexUnit integration during the Flex development cycle.

Create a test case class

You can use Flash Builder to create a test class wizard to create a test case class. /b10> Running test cases with Flash Builder is simple, as you'll see in this article.

To create a test case class using Flash Builder, click File and New and Test Case Class. /b12> Enter the details, as shown below.

Flex FlexUnit integration

Flash Builder creates the following files.

package com.tutorialspoint.client
   public class TestClass1
      public function setUp():void {}

      public function tearDown():void {}

      public static function setUpBeforeClass():void {}

      public static function tearDownAfterClass():void {}	

Example of FlexUnit integration

Now let's test FlexUnit integration in the Flex application by following these steps:

Steps Describe
1 As described in the Flex - Create Applications section, create a project called HelloWorld under package com.tutorialspoint.client.
2 Modify HelloWorld.mxml, as described below. /b10> Keep the rest of the file unchanged.
3 Create a test case described above and modify the
4 Compile and run the application to ensure that the business logic works as required.

The following is the contents of the file modified to src / com.tutorialspoint / client / file.

package com.tutorialspoint.client
   import org.flexunit.asserts.assertEquals;

   public class TestClass1
      private var counter: int = 1;

      public function setUp():void
         //this code will run before every test case execution

      public function tearDown():void
         //this code will run after every test case execution

      public static function setUpBeforeClass():void
         //this code will run once when test cases start execution

      public static function tearDownAfterClass():void
         //this code will run once when test cases ends execution

      public function testCounter():void { 
         assertEquals(counter, 1);

The following is the contents of the modified mxml file src / com.tutorialspoint / HelloWorld.mxml.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx="" 
   minWidth="500" minHeight="500">

When you're ready for all your changes, follow the general pattern in the Flex - Create Apps chapter.

Run the test case

Now right-click TestClass1 in Package Explorer, and then select Run As and FlexUnit Tests. /b12> You'll see the following output in the Flash Builder test window.

Flex FlexUnit integration

Flash Builder also displays test results in the browser.

Flex FlexUnit integration