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Ext .js font

May 09, 2021 Extjs

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Extjs provides the ability to use different font packs. /b10> Font packs are used to add different classes to the icons available in the package.

  1. Font-Awesome
  2. Font-Pictos


ExtJS' new theme Triton has a built-in font family font awesome included in the frame itself, so we don't need any explicit requirements for font awesome style sheets.

The following is an example of using the Font-Awesome class in the Triton topic.

Ext .js the Triton theme of the font Awesome

When we use any topic other than Triton, we need to explicitly request or add style sheets for font-awesome.

The following is an example of using the Font-Awesome class without the Triton theme.

Ext.js font Awesome normal theme (except Triton theme)


Font-pictos is not included in the EXTJS framework, so we must first require it that only sencha's licensed users use font-pictos.

To add font pictos

1. The font-pictos class is required:

"requires": ["font-pictos"]

2. Now add the pictos class as:

iconCls: 'pictos pictos-home'