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Electron webFrame module

May 25, 2021 Electron

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web-frame allows you to customize how the current web page is rendered .

Example, enlarge the current page to 200%.

var webFrame = require('electron').webFrame;



web-frame module has the following methods:


  • factor Number - Zoom parameters.

Modify the zoom parameter to the specified parameter value. The scaling parameters are percentage, so 300% is 3.0.


Returns the current zoom parameter value.


  • level Number - Zoom horizontally

Modify the scale level to the specified horizontal value. The original size is 0, and each growth means zooming in by 20% or 20%, with the default limit between 300% and 50% of the original size.


Returns the current zoom horizontal value.

webFrame.setZoomLevelLimits(minimumLevel, maximumLevel)

  • minimumLevel Number
  • maximumLevel Number

Sets the maximum and minimum values for the zoom level.

webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider(language, autoCorrectWord, provider)

  • language String
  • autoCorrectWord Boolean
  • provider Object

Set up a spell check provider for the input box or text field .

provider must be an object that has a spellCheck whether the swept word is spelled correctly .

Example, using node-spellchecker as a provider:

webFrame.setSpellCheckProvider("en-US", true, {
  spellCheck: function(text) {
    return !(require('spellchecker').isMisspelled(text));


  • scheme String

Register scheme for a secure scheme.

Secure schemes do not trigger mixed content warnings. For example, https data are secure schemes because they cannot be invalidated by active cyberattacks.


  • scheme String

Ignore the security policy of the current page content and load directly scheme


  • scheme String

Register scheme as a secure scheme through the scheme policy of the resource, allowing the registration of serviceWorker and support for fetch APIs.


  • text String

Insert content into the primary color that gets the focus .

webFrame.executeJavaScript(code[, userGesture])

  • code String
  • userGesture Boolean (optional) - false by false .

Evaluation page code .

In the browser window, some HTML APIs, such as requestFullScreen can only be used by user gestures. Setting userGesture true this limit .