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Eclipse window description

May 24, 2021 Eclipse

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Eclipse window description

Eclipse Workbench

First, let's take a look at eclipse as a user interface and the various components in it.

A workst desk is a collection of multiple windows. Each window contains a menu bar, toolbar, shortcut bar, and one or more perspectives.

Eclipse window description

A perspective is a visual container that contains a series of views and content editors.

Views exist entirely in a perspective and cannot be shared, and any open content editor can be shared between perspectives.

If two or more perspectives open the same view, they share the same instance of the view, although the layout of the views may be different between perspectives.

Neither the editor nor the view can be shared for perspectives in different work table windows.

A perspective is like a page in a book. I t exists in a window and with other perspectives, and like a page in a book, you can only see one perspective at a time.

The main menu bar of the workst desk usually includes top-level menus such as File, Edit, Navigate, Project, Window, Help.

Other top-level menus are located between the Edit and Project menus and are often context-sensitive, including the current active perspective, the front editor, and the active view.

In the File menu, you can find a New sub-menu that includes Project, Holder, file creation menu items.

The File menu also contains Theimport and Export menu items, which are used to import files into Wrokbench and export them.

In the Edit menu, you can find commands like Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete. These commands are called global commands and act on active parts.

That is, if the Delete command is used when the Navigator activity is active, the actual operation is done by the Navigator.

In the Project menu, you can find project-related commands such as Open Project, Close Project, and Build Porject.

In the Run menu, you can see and run, debug app code-related commands, and start external tools like Ant scripts.

In the Window menu, you can find the Open Perspective sub-menu that opens different perspectives depending on the needs of your development tasks.

You can also see the perspective layout management menu bar. The Show View sub-menu is used to add views to the current Workbench window.

In addition, you can modify the feature preference configuration of the workstation with the preference menu items.

If you are a plug-in developer, you can provide new views, editors, wizards, menus and tool items for the platform. These things are defined in XML, and once a plug-in is registered, it can be seamlessly integrated with components that already exist in the platform.

Eclipse multi-window

Eclipse can open multiple windows at the same time, and in the menu bar, select: Window - New Window to open multiple windows.

Switching between multiple windows allows you to cut back and forth using Alt-Tab.