Docker Hello World

Docker allows you to run an application within a container, using the docker run command to run an application within a container.

Output Hello world

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker run ubuntu:15.10 /bin/echo "Hello world"
Hello world

Docker Hello World

Individual parameter parsing:

  • docker: Docker's binary execution file.

  • run: Combine with the previous docker to run a container.

  • ubuntu:15.10 specifies the mirror to run, Docker first looks for the existence of the mirror from the local host, and if it does not exist, Docker downloads the public image from the mirror repository Docker Hub.

  • /bin/echo "Hello world": Commands executed in the startup container

The full meaning of the above command can be interpreted as: Docker creates a new container in the ubuntu15.10 image, executes bin/echo "Hello world" in the container, and then outputs the results.

Run interactive containers

We use docker's two parameters - i -t, to make the container that docker runs implement the "dialogue" capability

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker run -i -t ubuntu:15.10 /bin/bash

Individual parameter parsing:

  • -t: Specify a pseudo-terminal or terminal in the new container.

  • -i: Allows you to interact with standard input (STDIN) in the container.

At this point we have entered a container for the ubuntu15.10 system

Let's try to run the command cat/proc/version and ls in the container to see the version information of the current system and the list of files in the current directory, respectively

Docker Hello World

We can exit the container by running the exit command or by using CTRL-D.

Start container (background mode)

Use the following commands to create a container that runs as a process

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker run -d ubuntu:15.10 /bin/sh -c "while true; do echo hello world; sleep 1; done"

Docker Hello World

In the output, we don't see the desired "hello world" but a long string of characters


This long string is called a container ID and is unique to each container, and we can see what happened to the corresponding container through the container ID.

First, we need to make sure that the container is running and can be viewed through docker ps

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker ps

Docker Hello World


NAMES: The name of the container that is automatically assigned

Use the docker logs command inside the container to view the standard output within the container

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker logs 2b1b7a428627

Docker Hello World

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker logs amazing_cori

Docker Hello World

Stop the container

We use the docker stop command to stop the container:

Docker Hello World

Viewed by docker ps, the container has stopped working:

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker ps

Docker Hello World

You can also stop with the following command:

w3cschool@w3cschool:~$ docker stop amazing_cori