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CSS3 text-justify property

May 06, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

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CSS3 text-justify Attributes


Justification changes the spacing between the word and the word:


try it "

Browser support

The numbers in the table support the first browser version number of the property.

text-justify not support 5.5 not support not support not support

Description of property definition and use

The text-justify property specifies the rationale for text alignment to "justify".

This property specifies how the text should be aligned and the alignment spacing.

Default: auto
Inherited: yes
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object .style.textJustify="inter-word"


text-justify: auto|inter-word|inter-ideograph|inter-cluster|distribute|kashida|trim;

Value Describe
auto The browser decides to align the algorithm.
none Disable paralleling.
inter-word Increase/decrease the gap between words.
inter-ideograph Line up the content with esothy text.
inter-cluster Line up only content that does not contain internal word intervals, such as Asian languages.
distribute Similar to newspaper pages, except for the last line in the East Asian language system is not the same.
kashida Line up content by stretching characters.