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CSS3 grid-columns property

May 05, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

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CSS3 grid-columns property

Add grid lines to the div element, one 200 pixels to the right and the other in the remaining space:

grid-columns:50% * * 200px;

Browser support

CSS3 grid-columns property CSS3 grid-columns property CSS3 grid-columns property CSS3 grid-columns property CSS3 grid-columns property

There are currently no mainstream browsers that support grid-columns properties.

Description of property definition and use

The grid-columns property specifies the width of each column in the grid.

Tip: Using a grid system is of great value to print designers. T he same changes are now applied to online content. Grid properties provide the ability to adjust the size and position of titles, text, and pictures in a scalable grid.

Default: none
Inherited: no
Version: CSS3
JavaScript syntax: object .style.gridColumns="50% * * 200px"


grid-columns: length | % |none|inherit;

Value Describe
length Refer to the grid that contains the block.
% Refer to the width of the containing block.