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CSS font-size-adjust property

May 05, 2021 CSS Reference Manual

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Set the font-size-adjust property for different HTML elements:



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Browser support

Internet Explorer does not support font-size-adjust properties.

Definitions and usages

The font-size-adjust property specifies an aspect value for an element so that you can maintain the x-height of the preferred font.


The ratio between the height of the lowercase letter "x" and the height of "font-size" is called the aspect value of a font. W hen a font has a high aspect value, it is easier to read when it is set to a very small size. F or example, Verdana's aspect value is 0.58 (meaning that when the font size is 100px, its x-height is 58px). T imes New Roman has a aspect value of 0.46. This means Verdana is easier to read than Times New Roman at small sizes.

Default: none
Inheritance: yes
Version: CSS2
JavaScript syntax: object .style.fontSizeAdjust="0.70"

Possible values

Value Describe
none Default. If this font is not available, the x-height of this font is not maintained.

Defines the ratio of aspect values for fonts.

Formulas that can be used:

The font size of the preferred font is the font size (font-size-adjust value / aspect value of the available font) . . . the font size that can be applied to the available font


If Verdana of 14px (aspect value is 0.58) is not available, but the aspect value of an available font is 0.46, the size of the alternative font will be 14 x (0.58/0.46) x 17.65px.

TIY instance

Use font-size-adjust to set the font size
This example shows how to set the font size using font-size-adjust.

Related pages

CSS tutorial: CSS font

CSS Reference Manual: CSS font property

HTML DOM Reference Manual: FontSizeAdjust Properties