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Composer script

May 25, 2021 Composer

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What is a script?

A script, in Composer, can be a PHP callback (defined as a static method) or any command line executable command. Scripts are useful for executing custom code or package-specific commands for a resource pack while composer is running.

Note: Only scripts defined composer.json of the root package will be executed. Even if the external dependencies of the root package define their own scripts, Composer does not execute these additional scripts.

The name of the event

Composer will trigger the following events during operation:

The name of the event Details
**pre-install-cmd** Triggered before the 'install' command is executed.
**post-install-cmd** Triggered after the 'install' command is executed.
**pre-update-cmd** Triggered before the 'update' command is executed.
**post-update-cmd** Triggered after the 'update' command is executed.
**pre-status-cmd** Triggered before the 'status' command is executed.
**post-status-cmd** Triggered after the 'status' command is executed.
**pre-package-install** Triggered before the resource pack is installed.
**post-package-install** Triggered after the resource pack is installed.
**pre-package-update** Triggered before the resource pack is updated.
**post-package-update** Triggered after the resource pack is updated.
**pre-package-uninstall** Triggered before the resource pack is unloaded.
**post-package-uninstall** Triggered after the resource pack is unloaded.
**pre-autoload-dump** Triggered before the autoloader is dumped, whether it is the 'install'/'update' or 'dump-autoload' command.
**post-autoload-dump** Triggered after the autoloader is dumped, either the 'install'/'update' or 'dump-autoload' command is triggered.
**post-root-package-install** During the 'create-project' command, the root package is triggered after installation.
**post-create-project-cmd** Triggered after the 'create-project' command is executed.
  • pre-archive-cmd : occurs before the archive command is executed.
  • post-archive-cmd : occurs after the archive command is executed.

    Note: C omposer does not execute any install or install scripts that depend on the update the package. T herefore, you should not state pre-update-cmd pre-install-cmd If you need to install update or update commands, make sure they are defined in the root package.

Define the script

There should be a property called "scripts" a series of event names, as well as corresponding event scripts. composer.json A script for an event can be defined as a string (for a single script only) or an array (for a single or multiple scripts).

For any given event:

  • The script is triggered in the order of events and definitions.
  • An array of scripts can contain PHP callbacks and command-line executable commands.
  • A callback contained in a PHP class file that must be stored in a position that ensures that composer is loaded correctly.

Script definition instance:

    "scripts": {
        "post-update-cmd": "MyVendor\\MyClass::postUpdate",
        "post-package-install": [
        "post-install-cmd": [
            "phpunit -c app/"

Using the example defined MyVendor\MyClass class here can be used to perform a callback to PHP:


namespace MyVendor;

use Composer\Script\Event;

class MyClass
    public static function postUpdate(Event $event)
        $composer = $event->getComposer();
        // do stuff

    public static function postPackageInstall(Event $event)
        $installedPackage = $event->getOperation()->getPackage();
        // do stuff

    public static function warmCache(Event $event)
        // make cache toasty

When an event is triggered, Composer's internal event handler Composer\Script\Event which is the first parameter passed to your PHP callback. This Event has some getter methods to help you get the context of the current event:

  • getComposer() the current Composer\Composer object.
  • getName() string that returns the name of the event.
  • getIO() Returns the current input-output stream, which Composer\IO\IOInterface for use in the console.

Run the script manually

If you want to run the event script manually, you can use the following syntax structure:

composer run-script [--dev] [--no-dev] script

For composer run-script post-install-cmd will run all scripts defined under the post-install-cmd event.