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CoffeeScript removes the same elements from the array

May 09, 2021 CoffeeScript

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Remove the same elements from the array


You want to remove the same element from the array.


Array::unique = ->
  output = {}
  output[@[key]] = @[key] for key in [0...@length]
  value for key, value of output

# => [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 'a', 'b', 'd', 'c' ]


There are many unique ways to do this in JavaScript. This time it's based on "the fastest way to find the only element of an array" from here.

Note: Extending a local object is generally considered a bad practice in JavaScript, even though it is fairly common in ruby languages (Reference: Maintainable JavaScript: Don't modify objects you don't't own.)