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C Basic syntax

May 11, 2021 C

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C Basic syntax

We've seen the basic structure of the C program, which will help us understand the other basic building blocks of the C language.

Tokens for C (Tokens)

The C program consists of a variety of tokens, which can be keywords, identifiers, constants, string values, or a symbol. For example, the following C statement includes five tokens:

printf("Hello, W3Cschool! \n");

The five tokens are:

printf    // 标识符
(    // 符号
"Hello, W3Cschool! \n"    // 字符串值
)    // 符号
;    // 分号是语句结束符

A sign;

In a C program, a sign is the statement end character. T hat is, each statement must end with a sign. It indicates the end of a logical entity.

For example, here are two different statements:

printf("Hello, W3Cschool! \n");
return 0;


Comments are like help text in a C program, and they are ignored by the compiler. They start /* end with the */ as follows:

// 单行注释


  • // known as line-level comments because only one line can be commented
  • /* */ comment, also known as a quick-level comment, and a comment in this format can be one or more lines.
Note: Comments cannot be nested within comments, nor can comments appear in strings or character values

Error demo:

char a ='//A';


The C identifier is the name used to identify a variable, function, or any other user-defined item. An identifier starts with A-Z or a-z or underscore, followed by zero or more letters, underscores, and 0-9 _

Punctuation characters, such as , $, and %, @ $ C % C is a case-sensitive programming language. T herefore, in C, Manpower and manpower are two different identifiers. Here are a few valid identifiers:

mohd       zara    abc   move_name  a_123
myname50   _temp   j     a23b9      retVal


The following table lists the reserved words in C. These reserved words cannot be used as constant names, variable names, or other identifier names.

auto else long switch
break enum register typedef
case extern return union
char float short unsigned
const for signed void
continue goto sizeof volatile
default if static while
do int struct _Packed

Spaces in C

A line that contains only spaces, called a blank line, may be annotated and ignored entirely by the C compiler.

In C, spaces are used to describe blanks, tabs, line breaks, and comments. S paces separate parts of a statement, allowing the compiler to identify where int ends and where the next element begins. Therefore, in the following statement:

int age;

Here, there must be age one space character (usually a blank character) between int and age so that the compiler can distinguish them. On the other hand, in the following statement:

fruit = apples + oranges;   // 获取水果的总数

fruit = fruit and , apples are not required, but for greater readability, you can add some spaces as needed. =