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Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 2017

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

Bootstrap couldn't be more familiar to front-end engineers. T oday, Bootstrap is becoming more widely used because it brings a new design revolution that makes design and development easier and easier. Based on this, the W3Cschool Sister will bring you 10 Bootstrap design tools that you can't miss in 2017!

Design tool one: X-editable

 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20171


 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20172


This design tool allows you to create editable elements on the page. X -editable can use a wide variety of engines, such as jQuery, jQuery-UI, Bootstrap, and more. Not only that, Bootstrap has two modes, inline mode and pop-up mode.

Design tool two: Layoutlt

 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20173


 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20174


This online tool, which builds a botstrap responsive layout, can be done quickly and easily. A nd these operations are fairly simple, all by using drag. I n addition, the integration of elements is basically based on Bootstrap. As a result, Layoutlt is quick and easy for front-end developers as well as Web designers.

Design tool three: Grid Displayer

 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20175


 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20176


The gadget can display the Findation and Twitter Bootstrap grids and can also be used in Firefox and Webkit-based.

Design Tool 4: Jetstrap

 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20177


 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20178


Jetstrap is a visual production work that was built for Bootstrap Framework II. D esigners and Web developers only need to drag all the components on the web side to create a beautiful web page. T he web pages created using the Jetstrap tool are fully compliant with Bootstrap's standards. If the computer page is designed, it will automatically be adapted to the Pad side as well as the mobile phone side.

Design Tool V: Divshot

 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 20179


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Divshot, an online website that allows developers to design Web interfaces in a visual way, generates CSS and HTML code directly. D ivshot provides some of the more common Web UI components that are created based on the Bootstrap framework. It generates an interface that is also run based on the Bootstrap framework.

Design Tool 6: Bootply

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 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 201712


With Bootply, it's easy to design and prototype and extend tests based on Bootstrap. In addition, Bootstrap has a powerful feature that integrates with other popular libraries, microframes, Bootstrap plug-ins, and more.

Design Tool 7: Bootstrap Magic

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 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 201714


This is a theme creation tool based on AnangularJS and Bootstrap. W ith Bootstrap Magic, developers can create their own Twitter Bootstrap themes and see how the content has changed. In addition, Bootstrap Magic can add page fonts from Google Webfont.

Design Tool 8: Font Awesome

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 Be sure to try these eight Bootstrap design tools in 201716


You can modify the icon style just as you would a text style.

Font Awesome is an icon font that is included in any icon you might use in a Web page, and it's specifically designed for Twitter Bootstrap. T hese icons are displayed by Web Font, which can also change color and scale at will. If you want to modify the style of an icon, you can do so in the same way that the text style is modified.

The eight Bootstrap design tools collected by the W3Cschool sister-in-law above are all great features to help developers build the apps they want. W hether you want a nice client page or a satisfying visitor, Bootstrap design tools can help you. What are you waiting for, collect it!