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Atom Foundation

May 24, 2021 Atom

Table of contents


Start the interface

Atom Foundation

Menu bar - divided into six blocks:

  • File - File - File - File save open, project save open, last project load, close and set center, as well as user-defined configuration (profile, initialization script, style, code snippet, shortcut profile) and so on
  • Edit - File editing operations, file encoding formats, and line jumps
  • View - overloaded pages, full screen, font size zoom, etc
  • Find - It's all about queries, very similar to Sublime text, and the shortcuts are basically the same
  • Package - Package is the collection point of the plug-in list
  • Help - help documentation, software updates, protocols, etc

Set up the center file

Atom Foundation

The left sidebar is divided into six sections from top to bottom:

  • Settings - Global settings, you can set the file encoding, whether the menu bar is displayed, ignore the file, document indentation, font size, project home directory, etc., this is more user-friendly than sublime text, concise configuration

  • Keybindings - shortcut configuration, the default shortcuts are summarized here, very convenient to query the corresponding shortcut function, but also easy to modify... Humanized

  • Packages - Plug-in Management Center, you can set up plug-ins, remove plug-ins and disable them, no installation features

  • Themes - Themes - Theme Management Center, you can set themes (mouse selection is supported, write profiles are also available), manage themes (delete and download topics online)

  • Updates - Currently there is only one feature that queries the status of community packages, updates installed plug-ins anytime, anywhere, and updates to Atom software in HELP

  • Install - Currently divided into two columns, top-down, the first part is search (you can search for community plug-ins), the following section will show the current more popular plug-ins (can be downloaded directly to use)

  • Open Config Holder - This piece is not mouse operation control, it is entirely the configuration file collection directory of the software

Atom Foundation

It's worth noting that the suffix of the profile is cson, not JSON, but the writing specifications are similar, drunk... It's estimated that the community made it

Common shortcuts - pro-test and translation

English Chinese Shortcuts Function
New Window Create a new interface window Ctrl + Shift + N That'Chinese what it means
New File Create a new file Ctrl + N That'Chinese what it means
Open File Open the file Ctrl + O That'Chinese what it means
Open Folder Open the folder Ctrl + Shift + O That'Chinese what it means
Add Project Folder Load the project directory Ctrl + Alt + O That'Chinese what it means
Reopen Last Item Reload the last project Ctrl + Shift + T That'Chinese what it means
Save Save the file Ctrl + S That'Chinese what it means
Save As Save as Ctrl + Shift +S That'Chinese what it means
Close Tab Close the currently edited document Ctrl + W That'Chinese what it means
Close Window Turn off the editor Ctrl + Shift + W That'Chinese what it means
Undo Revoke Ctrl + Z That'Chinese what it means
Redo Redo Ctrl + Y That'Chinese what it means
Cut Shear Shift + Delete That'Chinese what it means
Copy Copy Ctrl + Insert That'Chinese what it means
Copy Path Copy the document path Ctrl + Shift + C That'Chinese what it means
Paste Paste Shift + Insert That'Chinese what it means
Select All All selected Ctrl + A That'Chinese what it means
Select Encoding Select the code Ctrl + Shift +U is to set the encoding of the file
Go to Line Jump to a line Ctrl + G Support for row search, Row:Column
Slect Grammar Grammar selection Ctrl + Shift + L Same as Sublime's Syntax setup
Reload Overload Ctrl+ Alt +R Reload the currently edited document
Toggle Full Screen F11 Fullscreen That'Chinese what it means
Increase Font Size Increase the font Ctrl + Shift + “+” Sublime's Ctrl Plus also takes effect
Decrease Font Size Reduce the font Ctrl + Shift + “-“ Sublime's Ctrl - also possible
Toggle Tree View Show hidden tree Ctrl + | Sublime's Ctrl-K,-B can also take effect here
Toggle Commadn palette The global search panel Ctrl + Shift + P Much the same as Sublime
Select Line Select a line Ctrl + L That'Chinese what it means
Select First Character of Line Select the cursor to the top of the line Shift + Home That'Chinese what it means
Slect End of Line Select the cursor to the end of the line Shift + End That'Chinese what it means
Select to Top Select the cursor to the first line of the document Ctrl + Shift + Home Is the cursor as a split line, take the upper part of the document
Select to Bottom Select the cursor to the end line of the document Ctrl + Shfit + End Is the cursor as a split line, take the lower part of the document
Find in Buffer Search from the cache Ctrl + F Consistent with Sublime
Replace in Buffer Advanced replacement Ctrl + Shift + F Consistent with Sublime
Select Next Match the next one selected Ctrl + D It's exactly the same wood as Sublime
Select All Match all selected Alt + F3 It's exactly the same wood as Sublime
Find File Query the file, selected to open Ctrl + P It's not like Sublime
Delte End of Word Remove the cursor from the end of the word Ctrl + Del That'Chinese what it means
Duplicate Line Ctrl + Shift + D That'Chinese what it means
Delete Line Delete a row Ctrl + Shift + K That'Chinese what it means
Toggle Comment Enable comments Ctrl + / Consistent with Sublime
Toggle developer tools Open the Chrome debugger Ctrl + Shift + I It's amazing
Indent Increase indentation Ctrl + [ Indent to the right
Outdent Reduce indentation Ctrl + ] Indent to the left
Move Line Up The line moves up Ctrl + up Literally
Move Line Down The line moves down Ctrl + Down Literally
Join Lines line link Ctrl + J Additional
newline-below Add a line under the cursor Ctrl + Enter Consistent with subblime
editor:newline-above Add a row above the cursor Ctrl + Shift + Enter Consistent with subblime
pane:show-next-item Switch the edited tabs Ctrl + Tab That'Chinese what it means
Fuzzy Finder The file jumps to the panel Ctrl + T Literally
Select Line Move above Check Move Up Ctrl + up That'Chinese what it means
Select Line Move below Check Move Down Ctrl + down That'Chinese what it means
Symbol-view Enter the variable, function jump panel. Ctrl + R That'Chinese what it means

More novel features, before the eyes of a bright ah! ! Seems to have known wood there, CHROME's web debugger!

Atom Foundation