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Atom custom key binding

May 24, 2021 Atom

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Custom key binding

Brief introduction

Atom editor supports custom key binding, the file format is CSON; W hat is CSON, official explanation: This file uses CoffeeScript Object Notation (CSON). My explanation: JSON and CoffeeScript, written basically by JSON.

Key bindings make up

Atom custom key binding


The keyboard map within the settings is a good illustration

Keystrokes, Keystrokes, Command, Source, Selector

Shortcuts need not be explained

Executing a command is a command called by pressing a shortcut

The source is the source of the command, such as core is the built-in core command, Atom beautifier is the plug-in I installed

Selectors can be understood as matches, and you can understand them as soon as you learn CSS/JQ

Key binding

Official example:

   'enter': 'editor:newline'

   'ctrl-shift-p': 'core:move-up'
   'ctrl-p': 'core:move-down'

The second part of my screenshot shows that ctrl and Alt and F have multiple conflicts, one of which is the typography plug-in, how does Atom Beautifier make it work?


That's it, isn't it easy? Of course, this is just the basic tutorial for key binding; there are more advanced bindings, such as overlays, unsets (unset values), and so on.