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Apache Pig string function

May 26, 2021 Apache Pig

There are the following String functions in Apache Pig.

S.N. Functions and descriptions
1 ENDSWITH(string, testAgainst)

Verify that a given string ends with a specific substring.

2 STARTSWITH(string, substring)

Accepts two string arguments and verifies that the first string starts with the second string.

3 SUBSTRING(string, startIndex, stopIndex)

Returns substrings from a given string.

4 EqualsIgnoreCase(string1, string2)

Compare two strings, ignoring case.

5 INDEXOF(string, ‘character’, startIndex)

Returns the first character that appears in the string, searching forward from the start index.

6 LAST_INDEX_OF(expression)

Returns the index of the last character that appears in the string, searching back from the start index.

7 LCFIRST(expression)

Converts the first character in the string to small case.

8 UCFIRST(expression)

Returns a string in which the first character is converted to capital.

9 UPPER(expression)

Returns a string converted to capital.

10 LOWER(expression)

Convert all characters in the string to small case.

11 REPLACE(string, ‘oldChar’, ‘newChar’);

Replace existing characters in the string with new characters.

12 STRSPLIT(string, regex, limit)

Split the string around a match for a given regular expression.

13 STRSPLITTOBAG(string, regex, limit)

Similar to the STRSPLIT() function, it splits the string by a given separator and returns the result to the package.

14 TRIM(expression)

Returns a copy of the string that deleted the front and rear spaces.

15 LTRIM(expression)

Returns a copy of the string that deleted the front-end space.

16 RTRIM(expression)

Returns a copy of the string for which the tail space was deleted.