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A guide to service-side scripting for website construction

May 27, 2021 Website construction guide

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Service-side scripting guide

ASP and PHP - Service-side scripts

HTML files can contain text, HTML tags, and scripts.

Server-side scripting is programming the behavior of the server. This is called a server-side script or server-side script.

Client scripts are programming browser behavior. (See JavaScript Beginner Tutorial).

Typically, when a browser requests an HTML file, the server returns the file, but if the file contains a server-side script, the script in the HTML file is executed before the HTML file is returned to the browser as pure HTML.

What can server scripts do?

  • Dynamically edit, change, or add anything to a web page
  • Respond to user requests or data submitted by HTML forms
  • Access the data or database and return the results to the browser
  • Customize pages for different users
  • Improve the security of your web pages so that your web code is not viewed through your browser

Important: Because the script is executed on the server, the browser can display server-side files without supporting the script!


At W3CSchool, we demonstrate server-side scripting by using active server pages (ASPs) and hyper-text preprocessors (PHPs).

The ASP instance

Write text through the ASP
How to write text through the ASP.

Add HTML to the text
How to format text with HTML tags.

How do I learn ASP or PHP?

Take our full ASP tutorial, or our full PHP tutorial.