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A complete example of Erlang adding robustness

May 13, 2021 Erlang

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A complete example of adding robustness

Let's improve the Messager program to increase its robustness:

%%% Message passing utility.  
%%% User interface:
%%% login(Name)
%%%     One user at a time can log in from each Erlang node in the
%%%     system messenger: and choose a suitable Name. If the Name
%%%     is already logged in at another node or if someone else is
%%%     already logged in at the same node, login will be rejected
%%%     with a suitable error message.
%%% logoff()
%%%     Logs off anybody at that node
%%% message(ToName, Message)
%%%     sends Message to ToName. Error messages if the user of this 
%%%     function is not logged on or if ToName is not logged on at
%%%     any node.
%%% One node in the network of Erlang nodes runs a server which maintains
%%% data about the logged on users. The server is registered as "messenger"
%%% Each node where there is a user logged on runs a client process registered
%%% as "mess_client" 
%%% Protocol between the client processes and the server
%%% ----------------------------------------------------
%%% To server: {ClientPid, logon, UserName}
%%% Reply {messenger, stop, user_exists_at_other_node} stops the client
%%% Reply {messenger, logged_on} logon was successful
%%% When the client terminates for some reason
%%% To server: {'EXIT', ClientPid, Reason}
%%% To server: {ClientPid, message_to, ToName, Message} send a message
%%% Reply: {messenger, stop, you_are_not_logged_on} stops the client
%%% Reply: {messenger, receiver_not_found} no user with this name logged on
%%% Reply: {messenger, sent} Message has been sent (but no guarantee)
%%% To client: {message_from, Name, Message},
%%% Protocol between the "commands" and the client
%%% ---------------------------------------------- 
%%% Started: messenger:client(Server_Node, Name)
%%% To client: logoff
%%% To client: {message_to, ToName, Message}
%%% Configuration: change the server_node() function to return the
%%% name of the node where the messenger server runs

-export([start_server/0, server/0, 
         logon/1, logoff/0, message/2, client/2]).

%%% Change the function below to return the name of the node where the
%%% messenger server runs
server_node() ->

%%% This is the server process for the "messenger"
%%% the user list has the format [{ClientPid1, Name1},{ClientPid22, Name2},...]
server() ->
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),

server(User_List) ->
        {From, logon, Name} ->
            New_User_List = server_logon(From, Name, User_List),
        {'EXIT', From, _} ->
            New_User_List = server_logoff(From, User_List),
        {From, message_to, To, Message} ->
            server_transfer(From, To, Message, User_List),
            io:format("list is now: ~p~n", [User_List]),

%%% Start the server
start_server() ->
    register(messenger, spawn(messenger, server, [])).

%%% Server adds a new user to the user list
server_logon(From, Name, User_List) ->
    %% check if logged on anywhere else
    case lists:keymember(Name, 2, User_List) of
        true ->
            From ! {messenger, stop, user_exists_at_other_node},  %reject logon
        false ->
            From ! {messenger, logged_on},
            [{From, Name} | User_List]        %add user to the list

%%% Server deletes a user from the user list
server_logoff(From, User_List) ->
    lists:keydelete(From, 1, User_List).

%%% Server transfers a message between user
server_transfer(From, To, Message, User_List) ->
    %% check that the user is logged on and who he is
    case lists:keysearch(From, 1, User_List) of
        false ->
            From ! {messenger, stop, you_are_not_logged_on};
        {value, {_, Name}} ->
            server_transfer(From, Name, To, Message, User_List)

%%% If the user exists, send the message
server_transfer(From, Name, To, Message, User_List) ->
    %% Find the receiver and send the message
    case lists:keysearch(To, 2, User_List) of
        false ->
            From ! {messenger, receiver_not_found};
        {value, {ToPid, To}} ->
            ToPid ! {message_from, Name, Message}, 
            From ! {messenger, sent} 

%%% User Commands
logon(Name) ->
    case whereis(mess_client) of 
        undefined ->
                     spawn(messenger, client, [server_node(), Name]));
        _ -> already_logged_on

logoff() ->
    mess_client ! logoff.

message(ToName, Message) ->
    case whereis(mess_client) of % Test if the client is running
        undefined ->
        _ -> mess_client ! {message_to, ToName, Message},

%%% The client process which runs on each user node
client(Server_Node, Name) ->
    {messenger, Server_Node} ! {self(), logon, Name},

client(Server_Node) ->
        logoff ->
        {message_to, ToName, Message} ->
            {messenger, Server_Node} ! {self(), message_to, ToName, Message},
        {message_from, FromName, Message} ->
            io:format("Message from ~p: ~p~n", [FromName, Message])

%%% wait for a response from the server
await_result() ->
        {messenger, stop, Why} -> % Stop the client 
            io:format("~p~n", [Why]),
        {messenger, What} ->  % Normal response
            io:format("~p~n", [What])
    after 5000 ->
            io:format("No response from server~n", []),

There are several major changes:

The Messager server capture process exits. I f it receives a process termination signal, 'EXIT', From, Reason, ', the client process has been terminated or becomes unreal for the following reasons:

  • The user actively logs out (the "logoff" message was canceled).
  • The network connected to the client has been disconnected.
  • The node at which the customer process is located crashes.
  • The customer process performed some illegal operations.

If you receive the exit signal described above, the server calls the server_logoff function to remove the .From, Name, and User_Lists list. I f the node on the service side crashes, the system will automatically generate a process termination signal and send it to all client processes: 'EXIT', MessengerPID, noconnection, which terminates itself when it receives the message.

Similarly, await_result 5-second timer is introduced into the function. T hat is, if the server does not reply to the client for 5 seconds, the client terminates execution. T his is only required during the sign-in phase before the service side establishes a connection with the client.

A very interesting example is what happens if a client terminates a connection before the service side establishes a connection. I t is important to note that if one process establishes a connection to another process that does not exist, it will receive a termination signal . It's as if the process is over right after the connection is established.