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6. python string formats the expression

May 10, 2021 Python2

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6. Python string formats the expression

String formatting allows multiple specific types of substitutions to be performed on a string in a single step

Especially when giving tips to users, formatting is very convenient

How to implement it:

1. Format the expression, similar to the printf in the c language

In an expression, we use the % binary operator

  >>> print('this is %d %s bird' % (1,'dead'))  
  this is 1 dead bird  

Take the example above (note that the % we're talking about below is based on the one in the middle of the string and the metagroup)

Place a string on the left side of % that contains one or more embedded objects that start with %

Put one (or more) objects on the right side of % that are embedded in the metagroup, which are inserted into the conversion target position on the left

  >>> name='ray'  
  >>> 'my name is %s' % name  
  'my name is ray'  
  >>> '%d %s %d you' % (1,'spam',4)  
  '1 spam 4 you'  
  >>> '%s---%s---%s' % (42,3.14,[1,2,3])  
  '42---3.14---[1, 2, 3]'  

When you insert multiple objects, you need to put them in a single group

2. Advanced formatting expressions

The string formats the list of code

Code Significance
s String (or any object)
R s, but with repr, not str
C Character
D A hedding integer
u No integer
O Octal integers
Hetey integers
x, but print capital
E Floating-point index
E e, but print capital
F Floating-point hete ten-party system
F Floating-point hete ten-party system
G Floating point e or f
G Floating point e or f
% Constant %



  >>> x=1234  
  >>> res='integers:...%d...%-6d...%06d' % (x,x,x)  
  >>> res  
  'integers:...1234...1234  ...001234'  

%e, %f, %g are different for floating-point printing

  >>> x=1.23456789  
  >>> x  
  >>> '%e|%f|%g' % (x,x,x)  

3. Dictionary-based formatted expressions

  >>> 'my name is %(name)s,my age is %(age)d' % {'name':'ray','age':30}  
  'my name is ray,my age is 30'  

To put it actually, name each replacement location so that the code looks clearer