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1.1 JFinal creates the project

May 14, 2021 JFinal manual

JFinal recommends using Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers as an open environment. Download here

IDEA users get started quickly see here:

1) Create Dynamic Web Project

1.1 JFinal creates the project
2) Fill in the basic information of the project

1.1 JFinal creates the project
Note: Target runtime be sure to select the

3) Modify the Default Output Folder and recommend entering WebRoots.COM-INF-classes

1.1 JFinal creates the project

Note in particular: The Default out folder here must be fully consistent with the WebRoot-WEB-INF-classes directory to start the project using JFinal-integrated Jetty.

4) Modify content directory and recommend entering WebRoot

1.1 JFinal creates the project
Note: The default value webContent can also be used here, but the WebRoot-WEB-INF-classes in the last step need to be changed to WebContent?WEB-INF\classes to correspond.