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How are django model fields used in django admin?

Asked by Marshall Ibarra on Dec 02, 2021 Django

Django Admin is a powerful tool for managing data used in an app. When the models use Djongo relational fields, NoSQL “embedded models” can be created directly from Django Admin. These fields provide better performance when compared with traditional Django relational fields.
In addition, Django applies the following rule: if you set editable=False on the model field, any form created from the model via ModelForm will not include that field. Any fields not included in a form by the above logic will not be set by the form’s save () method.
Consequently, Field types Each field in the model should be an instance of the appropriate Field class. Django uses field class types to determine a few things: The column type, which tells the database what kind of data to store (e.g. INTEGER, VARCHAR, TEXT). The default HTML widget to use when rendering a form field (e.g. <input type=”text”>, <select>).
Django User fields All the fields on the built-in Django User model are used for authenticating the user, communicating with the user, and understanding what the user is authorized to access.
The default HTML widget to use when rendering a form field (e.g. <input type="text">, <select> ). The minimal validation requirements, used in Django’s admin and in automatically-generated forms. Django ships with dozens of built-in field types; you can find the complete list in the model field reference.