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Posts about Tableau

Tableau extracts data

May 26, 2021 03:00 0 Comment Tableau

Create an extract, Create an extract, Apply the extract filter, Add new data to extract, Extract the history, Extracts from Tableau create a subset of the data from the data source., /b10>, This helps improve performance by applying filters., /b11>, It also he

Tableau custom data views

May 26, 2021 03:00 0 Comment Tableau

Drill down into the view, Drill down into the view, Swap dimensions, Custom data views are used to extend normal data views with some additional functionality so that views can provide different types of charts for the

Tableau data source

May 26, 2021 03:00 0 Comment Tableau

Connect Live, Connect Live, Memory, Combine data sources, Tableau can connect to all commonly used data sources.Tableau's machine connector can connect to the following types of data sources., File systems,,

Tableau edits metadata

May 26, 2021 03:00 0 Comment Tableau

Check the metadata, Check the metadata, Change the data type, Rename and hide, Column alias, When connected to a data source, Tableau captures the source's metadata details, such as columns and their data types., /b10>, This is used to create

Tableau function

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

The numeric function, The numeric function, String function, The date function, Logical functions, The aggregate function, Any data analysis involves a lot of computation., /b10>, In Tableau, the calculation editor is used to apply calculations to the fields being analyzed

Tableau basic sorting

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Calculate the sort, Calculate the sort, Example, Sort manually, Data sorting is a very important feature of data analysis., /b10>, Tableau allows you to sort the data for a field called a dimension., /b11>, Tableau

Tableau LOD expression

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

THE type of LOD, THE type of LOD, FIXED level of detail expression, INCLUDE level of detail expression, EXCLUDE level of detail expression, Details expressions are also known as LOD expressions in Tableau., /b10>, Instead of bringing all the data to the Tableau interface, they are used to

Tableau table calculation

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Tableau table calculation, These are the calculations of values that apply to the entire table., /b10>, For example, in order to calculate run totals or run averages, we need to

Tableau date calculation

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Create a calculated field, Create a calculated field, The calculation editor, Create a formula, Use calculated fields, Date is one of the key fields that is widely used in most data analysis scenarios., /b10>, As a result, Tableau provides a number of built-in function

Tableau string calculation

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Create a calculated field, Create a calculated field, The calculation editor, Create a formula, Use calculated fields, In this chapter, we'll see calculations involving strings in Tableau., /b10>, Tableau has many built-in string functions that can be used to do string

Tableau numerical calculations

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Create a calculated field, Create a calculated field, The calculation editor, Create a formula, Use calculated fields, Apply aggregation calculations, Numerical calculations in Tableau are done using a large number of built-in functions provided in the formula editor., In this chapter, we'll see how

Tableau operator

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

The operator type, The operator type, General operator, Arithmetic operator, Comparison operator, The logical operator, Operator priority, An operator is a symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical operations., /b10>, Tableau has several operators for crea

Tableau peddle workbook

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Create a peddle workbook., Create a peddle workbook., A peddle workbook is used to save a view of data for different dimensions or measures on different pages., /b10>, A common example is to see how each

Tableau reorders the worksheet

May 26, 2021 04:00 0 Comment Tableau

Reorder the worksheet, Reorder the worksheet, Sometimes we need to change the position of existing worksheets to study them in a better way., /b10>, This can be done by dragging the paper name fro

Tableau basic filter

May 26, 2021 05:00 0 Comment Tableau

Filter size, Filter size, Example, Filter measures, Example, Filter the date, Example, Filtering is the process of removing certain values or ranges of values from a result set., /b10>, Tableau filtering allows you to use field values as