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Posts about Python3

Python3 tutorial

May 10, 2021 01:00 0 Comment Python3

Python3 tutorial, View the Python version, The first Python3.x program, Python version 3.0, often referred to as Python 3000, or Py3k for short. T, his is a larger upgrade than earlier versions of Python., In order not to

Python3 installation

May 10, 2021 01:00 0 Comment Python3

Python installation, Python installation, Environment variable configuration, Python environment variable, Run Python, Python's latest source codes, binary documents, news, and more can be found on Python's website:, Python Website:,, You can do

Python3 Basic syntax

May 10, 2021 01:00 0 Comment Python3

Coding, Coding, Identifier, Python reserves the word, Comments, Indent, Standard data type, String, Empty line, Wait for user input, Multiple statements are displayed on the same line, Multiple statements make up a code group, Print output, Import and from... import, Import the sys module, Import the argv, path member of the sys module, Command-line arguments, Coding, By default, Python 3 source files are encoded in UTF-8, and all strings are unicode strings., Of course, you can also specify different encodi

Python 3 interpreter

May 10, 2021 01:00 0 Comment Python3

Interactive programming, Interactive programming, Scripted programming, On Linux/Unix systems, Python interpreters are usually installed in valid paths (directories) such as /usr/local/python3., We can add the path /usr/lo

Python3 comment

May 10, 2021 01:00 0 Comment Python3

Python3 comment, Make sure you use the correct style for modules, functions, methods, and in-line comments, Comments in Python have one-line comments and multi-line co

Python3 operator

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Python3 operator, Python3 operator, What is an operator?, Python arithmetic operator, Python comparison operator, Python assignment operator, Python bit operator, Python logical operator, Python member operator, Python identity operator, Python operator priority, Python3, operator, What is an operator?, This section focuses on Python's operators. T, o give a simple, example, 4 plus 5 plus 9., In the example,, 4

Python3 Numbers

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Python3 Numbers, Python numeric operations, Python numeric operations, The Python interpreter can be used as a simple calculator: you can enter an expression in the interpreter that outputs the

Python3 string

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Python string, Python string, Python string, In addition to numbers, Python can also manipulate strings., Strings can be expressed in several ways, between single and double quotes


May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Python's metagroup is similar to a list, except that the elements of the metagroup cannot be modified., Python's metagroup is similar to a list, except that the elements of the metagroup cannot be modified., Access to the metagroup, Modify the metagroup, Delete the group, The group operator, Yuan index, intercept, Built-in functions for the group, Python's metagroup is similar to a list, except that the elements of the metagroup cannot be modified., The group uses small brackets, and the list us

Python3 dictionary

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Access the values in the dictionary, Access the values in the dictionary, Modify the dictionary, Delete the dictionary element, Dictionary built-in functions and methods, A dictionary is another variable container model and can store any type of object., Each key value of the dictionary is split with a colon ( : ) ,, :,

Python3 condition control

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Python3 condition control, The general form of an if statement in Python is as follows:, if condition_1:, statement_block_1, elif condition_2:, statement_block_2, else:, stateme

Python3 loop

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

While loop, While loop, The for statement, Range() function, Break and continue statements and else clauses in loops, Pass statement, This section will cover the use of Python loop statements., Loop statements in Python have for and while., The control structure diagram of the Python

Python3 iterator with generator

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

Iterator, Iterator, The generator, Introduction to the Python sys module, Iterator, Iteration is one of Python's most powerful features and a way to access collection elements., An iterator is an object that remembers where

Python3 function

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

The scope of the function variable, The scope of the function variable, Keyword parameters, Returns a value, A list of variable parameters, In this section, we'll introduce you to the application of functions in Python., This section can be found in, the Python Function Application Details

Python3 data structure

May 10, 2021 02:00 0 Comment Python3

List, List, Use the list as a stack, Use the list as a queue, List inference, Nested list resolution, del statement, Groups and sequences, Collection, Dictionary, Traversal tips, See also the documentation (Python2.x). ), In this section, we introduce the Python data structure in conjunction with the knowledge points we learned earlier., List, Lists in Python are variab