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Posts about PHP

PhP is what it is

May 10, 2021 22:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic interactive sites., PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic interactive sites., Learn PHP by example, Instance, PHP reference manual, PHP is a powerful server-side scripting language for creating dynamic interactive sites., PHP (foreign name: PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, Chinese: "Hy

Introduction to PHP

May 10, 2021 22:00 0 Comment PHP

Introduction to PHP - PHP is the server-side scripting language., Introduction to PHP, The basics you should have, What is PHP?, What is a PHP file?, What can PHP do?, Why PHP?, Introduction to, PHP, PHP is the server-side scripting language., PHP can do anything, PHP is mainly used for service-side scripting programs, so you

PHP installation

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP installation, PHP installation, What do you need to do?, Use a PHP-supported web host, Set up PHP on your own PC, PHP server components, IDE (Integrated Development Environment, Integrated Development Environment), PHP, installation, What do you need to do?, To get started with PHP, you can:, Find a web host that supports PHP and MySQL, Install the web server on

PHP syntax

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP syntax - The PHP script executes on the server and then sends the HTML-only results back to the browser., PHP syntax, Basic PHP syntax, Instance, Comments in PHP, Instance, Related tutorials, PHP, syntax, The PHP script executes on the server and then sends the HTML-only results back to the browser., Basic PHP syntax, PHP scripts can be pla

PhP variable

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PhP variable - Variables are "containers" used to store information:, PhP variable, Instance, Similar to algege generals, PhP variable, Create (declare) PHP variables, Instance, PHP is a weak type language, PhP variable scope, Local and global scopes, Instance, PHP global keyword, Instance, Instance, Static scope, Instance, The parameter scope, Instance, PhP, variable, A variable is a number used in a program that can be changed, as opposed to a constant that, once defined, cannot be changed., Variable

PHP echo and print statements

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP echo and print statements - There are two basic output methods in PHP: echo and print., PHP echo and print statements, PHP echo, print, and print_r statements, PHP echo statement, Instance, Instance, PHP print statement, Instance, Instance, PhP print_r statement, Instance, Instance, PHP, echo and print statements, PHP is the dynamic output of HTML content through print and echo statements, and although the functions of print and e

PHP 5 data type

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP string - String (string), Integer (integer), Float (floating-point type), Boolean (Boolean type), Array (array), Object (object), NULL (empty value)., PHP string, Instance, PHP integer, Instance, PHP floating-point type, Instance, PHP Boolean type, PHP array, Instance, PhP object, Instance, PHP NULL value, Instance, PHP 5, data type, Although PHP is a weak type language and does not need to indicate its data type when declaring and using variables, you should also

PHP 5 constant

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP 5 constant - After the constant value is defined, it cannot be changed anywhere else in the script., PHP 5 constant, PHP constant, Set the PHP constant, Instance, Instance, PHP, 5 constant, After the constant value is defined, it cannot be changed anywhere else in the script., PHP constant, A constant is an identifier of

PHP string variable

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PhP string variable - String variables are used to store and process text., PhP string variable, String variable in PHP, Instance, PHP-and-place operators, Instance, PHP strlen() function, Instance, PHP strpos() function, Instance, Complete PHP String reference manual, PhP, string variable, A string is a series, of characters, each of which is equivalent to one byte., String variables are used to store and process te

PhP operator

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PhP operator - In this section we will discuss the application of different operators in PHP., PhP operator, PHP arithmetic operator, Instance, PHP assignment operator, Instance, Instance, PHP increment/decrease operator, Instance, PHP comparison operator, Instance, PHP logical operator, PHP array operator, Instance, PHP thyme operator, Instance, Operator priority, PhP, operator, Operators in PHP are divided into arithmetic operators, increment/decrease operators, comparison operators, logical operators, array op

PHP if... Else statement

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP if... Else statement - Conditional statements are used to perform different actions based on different conditions., PHP i f... Else statement, PHP conditional statement, PHP - if statement, Instance, PHP - if... Else statement, Instance, PHP - if... e lse if.... Else statement, Instance, PHP - switch statement, PHP i, f..., Else, statement, This section describes PHP if..., The use of else statements, through which you can selectively execute snippets of code

PHP switch statement

May 10, 2021 23:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP switch statement - Switch statements are used to perform different actions based on several different conditions., PHP s witch statement, PHP switch statement, Instance, PHP s, witch, statement, Sometimes, to avoid if statements being too lengthy and to improve the readability of your program, you can use switch branch

PHP array

May 11, 2021 00:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP array - Arrays can store multiple values in a single variable:, PHP array, Instance, What is an array?, Create an array in PHP, An array of PHP values, Instance, Gets the length of the array - count() function, Instance, Traverse the array of values, Instance, PhP association array, Instance, Traverse the associated array, Instance, Multi-dimensional array, Complete PHP Array reference manual, PHP, array, There are many functions about arrays in PHP that make array operation easy., Arrays can store multiple values in a single variable:, Inst

PHP array sorting

May 11, 2021 00:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP array sorting - Elements in an array can be in descending or ascending order in alphabetical or numerical order., PHP array sorting, PHP - Array sort function, Sort() - Ascending arrays, Instance, Instance, rsort() - Descending arrays, Instance, Instance, asort() - Ascends the array according to the value of the array, Instance, ksort() - Ascends the array according to its keys, Instance, arsort() - The array is descended according to the value of the array, Instance, krsort() - The array is descended according to the key of the array, Instance, Complete PHP Array reference manual, PHP, array sorting, When we use PHP arrays, we sometimes need to sort PHP arrays, and this section describes several sorting methods for PHP arrays.,

PHP super global variable

May 11, 2021 00:00 0 Comment PHP

PHP super global variable - Super global variables are enabled after PHP 4.1.0 and are variables that come with the PHP system and are available in all scopes of a script., PHP super global variable, PHP super global variable, PHP $GLOBALS, Instance, PHP $_SERVER, Instance, PHP $_REQUEST, Instance, PHP $_POST, Instance, PHP $_GET, Instance, PHP, super global variable, What is a PHP super global variable?, Super global variables are built-in variables that are always available in all scope