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Posts about Docker From entry to practice

The guardian state runs the Docker container

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

The guardian state runs the Docker container, More often than not, you need to have the Docker container run as a daemonized in the background., At this point, you can, -d, parameter., For example

Start the Docker container

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Start the Docker container, There are two ways to start a container, one is to create a new container based on the mirror and start it, and the other is to restart the container

Docker deletes the container

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker deletes the container, You, docker rm, to remove a container that is in a terminated state., For example, $sudo docker rm trusting_newton, trusting_newton, If you want to de

Export and import Docker containers

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Export and import Docker containers, Export the container, If you want to export a local container, you, docker export, command., $ sudo docker ps -a, CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED S

Describes Docker containers

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Describes Docker containers, Containers are another core concept of Docker., Simply said, containers are one or a group of applications that run independently, and their operating

How Docker mirroring works

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

How Docker mirroring works, How does Docker mirroring implement incremental modification and maintenance?, Each mirror consists of many layers, and Docker, uses Union FS, to comb

Docker removes the mirror

May 22, 2021 15:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker removes the mirror, If you want to remove a local mirror, you, docker rmi, command., Note that, docker rm, command is to remove the container., $ sudo docker rmi training

Docker Hub

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker Hub, Docker currently officially maintains a public, repository, Docker Hub,, which already includes more than 15,000 images., Most of the requirements can

Docker's private repository

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker's private repository, Sometimes it may not be convenient to use a public repository like Docker Hub, and users can create a local repository for private use., This section

Docker profile

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker profile, Docker's Registry uses profiles to provide templates (flavors) for some repositories that users can use directly for development or production deploym

Docker data volume

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker data volume, A data volume is a special directory for one or more containers that bypasses UFS and provides many useful features:, Data volumes can be shared and r

Docker data volume container

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker data volume container, If you have some continuously updated data that needs to be shared between containers, it's a good idea to create a data volume container., A data vol

Docker backs up, restores, and migrates data volumes

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker backs up, restores, and migrates data volumes, Data volumes can be used to back up, restore, and migrate the data in them., Backup, Start with, --volumes-from, to create a container that loads the

How Docker containers are interconnected

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

How Docker containers are interconnected, A container's connection system is another way to interact with the application in the container, in addition to port mapping., The system creates a t

Docker accesses the container externally

May 22, 2021 16:00 0 Comment Docker From entry to practice

Docker accesses the container externally, Some network apps can run in the container, and for external access to them,, -P, -p, or -p parameters., When using the -P tag, Docker randomly, 49000