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These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!

Jun 02, 2021 Article blog

Some people say that programmer knowledge updates quickly because programming languages can easily become erronest. T his sentence is a bit absolute, but it also shows that the popular programming language ranking version has been changing. 2 016 is coming to an end and 2017 is coming. So which programming languages are the most popular and profitable in 2017?

To find out which programming languages are the hottest and most profitable in 2017, trust this list to give you clues:

 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!1

From the top 10 programming languages list in November 2016, the most popular are JAVA, followed by C, third is C, fourth is C, fifth is Python, sixth is Visa Basic.NET, and the rest are PHP, javascript, Assembiy language, Perl. If you follow this list, here are some of the most lucrative and popular languages of 2017:


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!2

Java 9 is said to be released in 2017 and its new features will be popular with programmers. Java9 has HTTP 2.0 support as well as a new API.


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!3

Over time, the ranking of other languages has changed, and the C language is still very popular. T he C language has good control hardware and provides very good programming tools. Not only that, but the C language is easier for one system to port to another.


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!4

Some people say that c-plus is gone, because its popularity can't keep up with C. In fact, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between c and C, because c is an enhanced version of C, both of which are ancient and popular programming languages.

4.C #

 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!5

In 2017, it will be released. I t's a great language, and there's more to it than that. When Microsoft introduced the open source .NET Core and Visual Studio Code editors, they were found to be able to run on macOS, Windows, and so on, and allowed efficient and faster applications to be written with C#


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!6

In December, Python 3.6 was released. Python's position has also been strengthened by its application in scientific computing, machine learning, WEB development, and automation.

6.Visual Basic.NET

 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!7

Visual Basic.NET is an object-oriented programming language based on Microsoft.NET Framework. V isual Basic.NET been quite popular these years. I believe visual Basic.NET will continue to play their unique role in 2017.


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!8

In December, PHP7.1 was released. P HP7.1 has changed, which is to bring about enhancements. PhP7.1's performance has improved compared to last year's 7.0, transforming PHP into a fast platform for building WEB applications.


 These programming languages are the most profitable in 2017 and there is no language for you!9

The pace of javascript innovation has never stopped. Because of the WEB browser's plan for rapid release, the JS standard is updated basically every year.

Over the past year, the software development industry has continued to make great strides forward. Looking back at 2016, we've seen more emerging buzzwords, frameworks, and tools that are changing the way we work and making us see more possibilities.