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CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

The article was reproduced from the public number: Frontman

This article from simple to in-depth explanation of CSS background-related knowledge, please be sure to be patient to read, do not impetuous!

CSS background is one of the most commonly used CSS properties. H owever, it is still not well understood that multiple backgrounds are used by all developers. I'll focus on the potential to use multiple backgrounds and take full advantage of the full functionality of CSS.

In this article, background-image explain this property in detail and provide a visual interpreter that explains how to stack multiple backgrounds and their actual benefits. Of course, there will be some visual examples where you can have a good time!

If you don't understand CSS background property, I'd prefer to look at this reference from Mozilla Developer Network MDN which explains how CSS backspace works.


CSS background property is a shorthand for the following properties.

Background clips, background colors, background images, background sources, background locations, background repetitions, background sizes, and background attachments.

In this article, I focus on background-image background-position and background-size A re you ready? Let's dive in!

Consider the following example.

.element {
 background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat;

The background image is positioned around the corner of the component in the upper left corner, with a size of 50px * 50px It is important to understand and remember the order of location and size.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding1

In the image above, background-position is followed by background-size v ice versa! In other words, the following CSS is invalid:

.element {
 /* Warning: Invalid CSS */
 background: url(cool.jpg) 50px 50px/top left no-repeat;

The background location

Positioning elements relative to the background-origin property settings. I like the flexibility background-position It has several ways to locate elements:

  • Keyword values top,right,bottom,left,center
  • The percentage value. For example: 50%
  • The length value. For example: 20px 2.5rem
  • Edge offset value. For example: top 20px left 10px

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding2

The coordinate system starts in the upper left corner and the default is 0% 0%

It is worth mentioning that the value top left is the same left top The browser is smart enough to determine which one is for the x and which is for the y

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding3

.element {
 background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat;
 /* is the same as */
 background: url(cool.jpg) left top/50px 50px no-repeat;

Background size

The name of the property speaks for itself. T he size consists of width and height For this background-size property, the first is width and the second is height

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding4

You do not have to use two values. You can use a value that will be used for width and height.

Disclaimer: It is worth mentioning that the CSS specification states that "if only one value is given, the second one will be considered automatic". H owever, this feature has not been implemented in the browser and will change in the future. Thanks to Ilya Streltsyn for your letter.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding5

Now that I've learned the basics of how CSS background let's explore how to use multiple backgrounds.

A variety of backgrounds

Background properties can have one or more layers, separated by commas. If multiple backgrounds are the same size, one of them overrides the other.

.element {
 background: url(cool.jpg) top left/50px 50px no-repeat,
 url(cool.jpg) center/50px 50px no-repeat;

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding6

In the image above, we have two background layers. E ach of them is in a different position. T his is the basic use of multiple backgrounds. Let's explore a more advanced example.

Stack order

When you place multiple backgrounds, one of the backgrounds occupies the full width and height of its parent, in a stacking order. D eciding when to stack backgrounds on top of each other can be confusing. Consider the following example.

.hero {
  min-height: 350px;
  background: url('table.jpg') center/cover no-repeat,
    url('konafa.svg') center/50px no-repeat; 

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding7

We have a plate and a table. W hat do you want the CSS above to produce? W hich one comes first? A plate or a table?

The answer is the table. I n CSS the first background can be stacked on the second background, the second background can be stacked on the third background, and so on. By replacing the background order, the results will be expected.

.hero {
  background: url('konafa.svg') center/50px no-repeat,
  url('table.jpg') center/cover no-repeat;

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding8

Solid color

Suppose you want to draw two rectangles with a CSS background, what would you do? F ortunately, using CSS gradients is easy. W hen linear-gradient stops with the same color, the result will be a solid color. nothing more!

.hero {
 background: linear-gradient(#3c88Ec, #3c88Ec)

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding9

By exploring a very useful use case for CSS gradients, we can take this approach a step further. Stay tuned for the use case section!

Use cases and examples


Typically, you may need to place an overlay at the top of the Hero section to make the text easy to read. This can be done easily by stacking two backgrounds.

.hero {
 background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.15)),
    url("landscape.jpg") center/cover;

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding10

Better yet, we can apply tints to elements in the same way as above. Consider the following:

.hero {
 background: linear-gradient(135deg, rgba(177, 234, 77, 0.25), rgba(69, 149, 34, 0.25),
    url("landscape.jpg") center/cover;

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding11

Drawing with CSS Drawing The possibility of drawing with CSS gradients is infinite. Y ou can use linear-gradient or radial-gradient more. For this basic example, I'll explain how to draw a laptop.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding12

Let's remove the laptop and see what gradient we need to use.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding13

Note that when breaking down laptop projects, it's now easier to think about how to implement them as multiple CSS If you notice, I created two circles that act as filleted bodies because there is no direct way to do gradients with round edges.

Next is the drawing. T he first is to define each gradient as CSS variable and its size. I like to use CSS because it reduces the complexity of the code and makes it simpler and easier to read. When I'm done, I'll go to the steps to place them.

:root {
  --case: linear-gradient(#222, #222);
  --case-size: 152px 103px;

  --display: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff);
  --display-size: 137px 87px;

  --reflection: linear-gradient(205deg, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));
  --reflection-size: 78px 78px;

  --body: linear-gradient(#888, #888);
  --body-size: 182px 9px;

  --circle: radial-gradient(9px 9px at 5px 5.5px, #888 50%, transparent 50%);
  --circle-size: 10px 10px;

Now that we have defined the gradients and their sizes, the next step is to place them. Consider the following image for a better visual explanation.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding14

Displays the reflection

As mentioned earlier, you should first define the elements that need to be at the top. In our case, the display reflection should be the first gradient.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding15


The display is located in the center of the x-axis and at the position of the 6pxy axis.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding16

Plastic box

The housing is located below the display and in the center of the x-axis and on the 0pxy axis.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding17


That's the most interesting component in graphics. First, the body is a rectangle with two circles on each side (left and right).

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding18

The final result

:root {
  --case: linear-gradient(#222, #222);
  --case-size: 152px 103px;
  --case-pos: center 0;

  --display: linear-gradient(#fff, #fff);
  --display-size: 137px 87px;
  --display-pos: center 6px;

  --reflection: linear-gradient(205deg, #fff, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0));
  --reflection-size: 78px 78px;
  --reflection-pos: top right;

  --body: linear-gradient(#888, #888);
  --body-size: 182px 9px;
  --body-pos: center bottom;

  --circle: radial-gradient(9px 9px at 5px 5.5px, #888 50%, transparent 50%);
  --circle-size: 10px 10px;
  --circle-left-pos: left bottom;
  --circle-right-pos: right bottom;

.cool {
  width: 190px;
  height: 112px;

  background-image: var(--reflection), var(--display), var(--case), var(--circle), var(--circle), var(--body);

  background-size: var(--reflection-size), var(--display-size), var(--case-size), var(--circle-size), var(--circle-size), var(--body-size);

  background-position: var(--reflection-pos), var(--display-pos), var(--case-pos), var(--circle-left-pos), var(--circle-right-pos), var(--body-pos);

  background-repeat: no-repeat;

  /*outline: solid 1px;*/

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding19

Mix multiple backgrounds

It's exciting when you can mix multiple backgrounds. T he simplest use case I can explain is to desaturate an image. Consider the need for your background-image to have one in CSS and want to convert it to black and white.

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding20

.hero {
  background: linear-gradient(#000, #000),
  url("landscape.jpg") center/cover;
  background-blend-mode: color;

 CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep comprehensive understanding21


Above is W3Cschool编程狮 about CSS background knowledge, an article takes you from shallow to deep full understanding of the relevant introduction, I hope to help you.