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A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?

Jun 01, 2021 Article blog

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The article is reproduced from the public number: Program New Horizons

This article provides a step-by-step in-depth explanation of the storage of string constant pools and memory changes caused when using the intern method.

Highlight: What happens when a string calls the intern method method and then compares strings?

This article is based on HotSpot virtual machines.

Interview questions

Let's take a look at the presentation of what we're going to talk about in this article through an interview question image:

String s1 = new String("he") + new String("llo");
String s2 = new String("h") + new String("ello");

String s3 = s1.intern();
String s4 = s2.intern();
System.out.println(s1 == s3);
System.out.println(s1 == s4);

By executing the above code, you will find that the printed results are true. S o why would an otherwise unequi equal string be equal after the intern method has been called? Let's take a step-by-step look at the underlying implementations.

The role of the intern method

The functional definition of intern() method:

(1) If the current string content exists in the string constant pool (i.e. the equals() method is true, that is, the content is the same), then the reference to this string in the constant pool is returned directly;

(2) If the current string is not in the string constant pool, create a reference in the constant pool and point to the string that already exists in the heap, and then return the reference in the constant pool.

Simply intern method is to determine whether the string exists in the string constant pool, and if it does not exist, it is created and the presence is returned.

String constant pool

Implementing the string constant pool feature in HotSpot is a StringTable class, which is an Hash table with a default size length of 1009. O nly one instance of each HotSpot virtual machine is shared by all classes. String constants consist of one character and are placed on StringTable

JDK6 and earlier, the string constant pool is placed in Perm Gen zone (method zone). StringTable is fixed in length and 1009 in length, which can cause hash when there are too many String strings, resulting in long lists and significant performance degradation. At this point, all that is placed in the string constant pool is the string constant (literal).

Due to the limited space and fixation of the permanent generation, JDK6 storage mode can easily result OutOfMemoryError

JDK7 was working on a permanent generation, the string constant pool was placed in the heap. At this point, even if the size of the heap is fixed, for applying tuning work, you only need to resize the heap.

In JDK7 a string constant pool can hold not only string constants, but also references to strings. That is, a reference to a string in the heap can exist as the value of a constant pool.

String pooling process analysis

After understanding the basic theory above, let's demonstrate the process and classification of string pooling step by step in the form of a combination of graphics. The following examples are analyzed on the basis of the JDK8 version.

When we declare a string in double quotes:

String wechat = "程序新视界";

At this point, the strings within the double quotes are stored directly in the string constant pool.

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?1

As for the storage structure above, as we mentioned in the previous article, we don't explain much. Let's see what happens if we declare the same string again.

String wechat = "程序新视界";
String wechat1 = "程序新视界";

When wechat1 is declared in the above code, you will find that the corresponding string already exists in the constant pool, and will not be recreated, but will simply return the corresponding reference to wechat1 The corresponding structure diagram is as follows:

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?2

At this point, if you compare wechat and wechat directly with a double equal sign, it must be equal because their references and literal values are the same. wechat1

The above is the case of direct double quote assignment, so what if the process of creating a string in the form of new? As mentioned in the previous article, there are two scenarios: the corresponding value exists for the constant pool and there is no corresponding value.

String wechat2 = new String("程序新视界");

If there is a corresponding value, an object reference to the wechat2 variable is created in the heap, and then the object reference is pointed to a constant that already exists in the string constant pool.

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?3

Comparing wechat and wechat variables directly using double equal signs is certainly not equal at this point, while comparing literal values using the wechat2 equals method is equal.

Another scenario is that when created with new, there is no corresponding constant in the string constant pool. T his situation now creates a string constant in the string constant pool, and then creates a string in the heap that holds a reference to the corresponding string in the constant pool. a nd return the address of the object in the heap to wechat2 The final effect map is still as shown above.

At this point, the situation is different if it is not directly assigned to the new string, but by the operation of the plus sign.

String s1 = "程序";
String wechat3 = new String(s1 + "新视界");

The above code s1 is stored in the constant pool, and the value of wechat3 is that because JVM compiles with StringBuilder for plus-size splicing, only one String object is created in the heap and the corresponding string is not stored in the constant pool.

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?4

The situation at this point is already about creating strings in our interview questions. So, let's pool through the intern method and see how the string constant pool changes.

Also take the code above as an example, at this point wechat wechat1 wechat2 three variables and wechat3 directly with double equal sign comparison is certainly not equal. Next face wechat3 for intern pooling.

String s1 = "程序";
String wechat3 = new String(s1 + "新视界");
wechat3 = wechat3.intern();

You'll find that wechat wechat1 variables are equal to the value of wechat3 Since wechat and wechat1 are actually one, here's a comparison of wechat and wechat3 to analyze the process.

The state of memory before intern method is called is as follows (ignore the s1 part):

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?5

It is not surprising that their values are not equal in the figure above. T he code above is used to pool wechat3 and assign the results of pooling to wechat3 The memory structure changes as follows:

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?6

At this point, the corresponding two values are judged, because the references and literal values are all the same, so they are equal. We intern already know that if there is a corresponding value in the constant pool, the reference is returned directly.

Then there is another situation, that is, the constant pool does not have a corresponding value will be how to deal with it? Let's start with the following code:

String s2 = "关注";
String wechat4 = new String(s2 + "公众号");
wechat4 = wechat4.intern();

As we said before calling intern, a String object is created in the heap, and no copy is stored in the constant pool, as in the chat3 diagram.

At this point, there is no corresponding string in the constant pool, and after the intern method is called, the memory structure is as follows:

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?7

After the intern method, a reference to the corresponding string in the heap is stored in the constant pool. As mentioned above, references can be stored in the string constant pool for JDK7 and beyond.

Note that when the corresponding string does not exist in the string constant pool, the address returned by calling intern method is the address in the heap, corresponding to the 0x99 in the figure. wechat4 original address points to the address in the heap, so it doesn't change.

At this point, if you define a double quote assignment wechat5 the following code:

String s2 = "关注";
String wechat4 = new String(s2 + "公众号");
wechat4 = wechat4.intern();

String wechat5 = "关注公众号";
System.out.println(wechat4 == wechat5);

When the variable wechat5 is initialized, it is found that a reference already exists in the string constant pool, and wechat5 points directly to the reference, i.e. wechat5 like wechat4 points to the String object in memory.

 A detailed explanation of the JVM string constant pool and String's intern method?8

brief summary

The focus of this demo example above is on the reference address returned by the intern method. If a corresponding string already exists in the string constant pool, the address of the string constant is returned at this time, and if there is no corresponding string in the constant pool, the reference in the heap is placed in the corresponding position in the constant pool, where the reference to the string in the heap is stored, and intern returns a reference to the string in the heap.

Find out the return logic above and look at the original code:

String s1 = new String("he") + new String("llo");
String s2 = new String("h") + new String("ello");

String s3 = s1.intern();
String s4 = s2.intern();
System.out.println(s1 == s3);
System.out.println(s1 == s4);

Where s1 is the address of the string "hello" in the heap, and s2 is the address of another "hello" string in the heap. When s1.intern() where the address of s1 is stored in the constant pool, s1.intern() returns the address of s1, so s1-s3 is the same address.

Then perform s2.intern() where the hello string already exists in the constant pool, the type is referenced and points to the address of s1, and the address of s1 is returned after execution, assigned to s4, so s1 and s4 also point to the same address, so equal.

Through the deeper analysis above, we must have a deeper understanding of string constants, string constant pools, and intern methods. If the relevant interview questions are analyzed according to this line of thinking, they can basically be answered accurately.

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